npm WARN deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead added 314 packages, and audited 324 packages in 3s 49 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details found 0 vulnerabilities > test > mocha --nolazy --require mocha-steps -r ts-node/register -r src/fixtures/debug.ts -r src/fixtures/localServer.ts src/**/*.spec.ts js Client to js Client Communication ✔ should connect without errors (12065ms) ✔ should start an experiment (1235ms) js Client to python Client Communication [notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.1 -> 23.1.2 [notice] To update, run: /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/integration-test/venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip ✔ should connect without errors (2650ms) ✔ should start an experiment (863ms) python Client to js Client Communication ✔ should connect without errors (2704ms) ✔ should start an experiment (842ms) python Client to python Client Communication ✔ should connect without errors (1156ms) ✔ should start an experiment (774ms) js Client to js Client GPIO tests ✔ should transmit initial gpio value (3724ms) ✔ should transmit gpio value (3571ms) js Client to python Client GPIO tests ✔ should transmit initial gpio value (3411ms) ✔ should transmit gpio value (3625ms) python Client to js Client GPIO tests ✔ should transmit initial gpio value (3497ms) ✔ should transmit gpio value (3433ms) python Client to python Client GPIO tests ✔ should transmit initial gpio value (2027ms) ✔ should transmit gpio value (2002ms) js Client to js Client GPIO tests without driver ✔ should transmit initial gpio value (3583ms) ✔ should transmit gpio value (3740ms) js Client to python Client GPIO tests without driver ✔ should transmit initial gpio value (3438ms) ✔ should transmit gpio value (3758ms) python Client to js Client GPIO tests without driver ✔ should transmit initial gpio value (3590ms) ✔ should transmit gpio value (3458ms) python Client to python Client GPIO tests without driver ✔ should transmit initial gpio value (2129ms) ✔ should transmit gpio value (2033ms) 24 passing (2m)