npm WARN deprecated @npmcli/move-file@1.1.2: This functionality has been moved to @npmcli/fs npm WARN deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead npm WARN deprecated json-schema-ref-parser@6.1.0: Please switch to @apidevtools/json-schema-ref-parser added 808 packages, and audited 813 packages in 7s 121 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details found 0 vulnerabilities > test > npm run build:generate && rm -rf coverage && rm -rf .nyc_output && npm-run-all -c test:* > build:generate > npm-run-all build:generate:* > build:generate:code > npx openapi-codegen -i dist/openapi.json -p @cross-lab-project/codegen-typescript-addon:preset:service -o src/generated loading addon "@cross-lab-project/codegen-typescript-addon" addon path: /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/helper/crosslab-typescript-addon/lib/cjs/index.js Writing /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/services/device/src/generated/basicValidation.ts Writing /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/services/device/src/generated/index.ts Writing /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/services/device/src/generated/requestValidation.ts Writing /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/services/device/src/generated/routes.ts Writing /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/services/device/src/generated/signatures.ts Writing /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/services/device/src/generated/types.ts > build:generate:test > npx openapi-codegen -i dist/openapi.json -p @cross-lab-project/codegen-typescript-addon:preset:service:test -o test/generated loading addon "@cross-lab-project/codegen-typescript-addon" addon path: /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/helper/crosslab-typescript-addon/lib/cjs/index.js Writing /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/services/device/test/generated/basicValidation.spec.ts Writing /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/services/device/test/generated/index.spec.ts Writing /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/services/device/test/generated/requestValidation.spec.ts Writing /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/services/device/test/generated/routes.spec.ts Writing /data/gitlab-runner/mvrNoxCy/0/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/crosslab/services/device/test/generated/types.spec.ts > test:index > nyc --temp-dir .nyc_output/index --silent --reporter=html env-cmd -e development ts-mocha --require @babel/register test/index.spec.ts 0 passing (1ms) > test:config > nyc --temp-dir .nyc_output/config --silent --reporter=html env-cmd -e development ts-mocha --require @babel/register test/config.spec.ts Config ✔ should handle a valid PORT option correctly ✔ should use the default PORT value when none is provided ✔ should handle a valid NODE_ENV option correctly ✔ should use the default NODE_ENV value when none is provided ✔ should handle a valid BASE_URL option correctly ✔ should use the default BASE_URL value when none is provided ✔ should handle a valid SECURITY_ISSUER option correctly ✔ should exit if the SECURITY_ISSUER option is not set ✔ should handle a valid SECURITY_AUDIENCE option correctly ✔ should exit if the SECURITY_AUDIENCE option is not set die ✔ should exit the program and log the reason 11 passing (41s) > test:methods > nyc --temp-dir .nyc_output/methods --silent --reporter=html env-cmd -e development ts-mocha --require @babel/register test/methods/index.spec.ts Methods availability methods calculateAvailabilty ✔ should calculate the availability correctly ✔ should throw an InvalidValueError if start > end callbacks methods sendChangedCallback ✔ should not send anything if no callback urls are registered ✔ should send callback message to each registered callback url ✔ should remove callback url on 410 response sendClosedCallback ✔ should not send anything if no callback urls are registered ✔ should send callback message to each registered callback url ✔ should remove callback url on 410 response sendStatusChangedCallback ✔ should not send anything if no callback urls are registered ✔ should send callback message to each registered callback url ✔ should remove callback url on 410 response signaling methods signalingQueue ✔ should correctly handle added peerconnections (53ms) ✔ should log errors of peerconnectionRepository.findOneOrFail ✔ should log errors of ✔ should log errors of first apiClient.sendSignalingMessage ✔ should log errors of second apiClient.sendSignalingMessage urlFromId methods deviceUrlFromId ✔ should correctly form the url of a device with a given id peerconnectionUrlFromId ✔ should correctly form the url of a peerconnection with a given id 18 passing (158ms) > test:database > nyc --temp-dir .nyc_output/database --silent --reporter=html env-cmd -e development ts-mocha --require @babel/register test/database/index.spec.ts Database Repositories ✔ should setup the repository tests (315ms) Concrete Device Repository Test create ✔ should create a model from empty data ✔ should create a model from valid data (concrete device) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized find ✔ should find all models ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized findOne ✔ should find a specific existing model (concrete device) ✔ should return null when the model does not exist ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized findOneOrFail ✔ should find a specific existing model (concrete device) ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError when the model does not exist ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized format ✔ should correctly format a model (concrete device) remove ✔ should remove a specific existing model (concrete device) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized save ✔ should save a valid model (concrete device) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized write ✔ should write valid data to a model correctly (concrete device) Device Group Repository Test create ✔ should create a model from empty data ✔ should create a model from valid data (device group) ✔ should create a model from valid data (nested device group) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized find ✔ should find all models ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized findOne ✔ should find a specific existing model (device group) ✔ should find a specific existing model (nested device group) ✔ should return null when the model does not exist ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized findOneOrFail ✔ should find a specific existing model (device group) ✔ should find a specific existing model (nested device group) ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError when the model does not exist ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized format ✔ should correctly format a model (device group) ✔ should correctly format a model (nested device group) remove ✔ should remove a specific existing model (device group) ✔ should remove a specific existing model (nested device group) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized save ✔ should save a valid model (device group) ✔ should save a valid model (nested device group) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized write ✔ should write valid data to a model correctly (device group) ✔ should write valid data to a model correctly (nested device group) Instantiable Browser Device Repository Test create ✔ should create a model from empty data ✔ should create a model from valid data (instantiable browser device) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized find ✔ should find all models ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized findOne ✔ should find a specific existing model (instantiable browser device) ✔ should return null when the model does not exist ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized findOneOrFail ✔ should find a specific existing model (instantiable browser device) ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError when the model does not exist ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized format ✔ should correctly format a model (instantiable browser device) remove ✔ should remove a specific existing model (instantiable browser device) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized save ✔ should save a valid model (instantiable browser device) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized write ✔ should write valid data to a model correctly (instantiable browser device) Instantiable Cloud Device Repository Test create ✔ should create a model from empty data ✔ should create a model from valid data (instantiable cloud device) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized find ✔ should find all models ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized findOne ✔ should find a specific existing model (instantiable cloud device) ✔ should return null when the model does not exist ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized findOneOrFail ✔ should find a specific existing model (instantiable cloud device) ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError when the model does not exist ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized format ✔ should correctly format a model (instantiable cloud device) remove ✔ should remove a specific existing model (instantiable cloud device) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized save ✔ should save a valid model (instantiable cloud device) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized write ✔ should write valid data to a model correctly (instantiable cloud device) Device Repository Test create ✔ should create a model from valid data (concrete device) ✔ should create a model from valid data (device group) ✔ should create a model from valid data (nested device group) ✔ should create a model from valid data (instantiable browser device) ✔ should create a model from valid data (instantiable cloud device) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized find ✔ should find all models ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized findOne ✔ should find a specific existing model (concrete device) ✔ should find a specific existing model (device group) ✔ should find a specific existing model (nested device group) ✔ should find a specific existing model (instantiable browser device) ✔ should find a specific existing model (instantiable cloud device) ✔ should return null when the model does not exist ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized findOneOrFail ✔ should find a specific existing model (concrete device) ✔ should find a specific existing model (device group) ✔ should find a specific existing model (nested device group) ✔ should find a specific existing model (instantiable browser device) ✔ should find a specific existing model (instantiable cloud device) ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError when the model does not exist ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized format ✔ should correctly format a model (concrete device) ✔ should correctly format a model (device group) ✔ should correctly format a model (nested device group) ✔ should correctly format a model (instantiable browser device) ✔ should correctly format a model (instantiable cloud device) remove ✔ should remove a specific existing model (concrete device) ✔ should remove a specific existing model (device group) ✔ should remove a specific existing model (nested device group) ✔ should remove a specific existing model (instantiable browser device) ✔ should remove a specific existing model (instantiable cloud device) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized save ✔ should save a valid model (concrete device) ✔ should save a valid model (device group) ✔ should save a valid model (nested device group) ✔ should save a valid model (instantiable browser device) ✔ should save a valid model (instantiable cloud device) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized write ✔ should write valid data to a model correctly (concrete device) ✔ should write valid data to a model correctly (device group) ✔ should write valid data to a model correctly (nested device group) ✔ should write valid data to a model correctly (instantiable browser device) ✔ should write valid data to a model correctly (instantiable cloud device) Peerconnection Repository Test create ✔ should create a model from empty data ✔ should create a model from valid data (example peerconnection) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized find ✔ should find all models ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized findOne ✔ should find a specific existing model (example peerconnection) ✔ should return null when the model does not exist ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized findOneOrFail ✔ should find a specific existing model (example peerconnection) ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError when the model does not exist ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized format ✔ should correctly format a model (example peerconnection) remove ✔ should remove a specific existing model (example peerconnection) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized save ✔ should save a valid model (example peerconnection) ✔ should throw an UninitializedRepositoryError if the repository has not been initialized write ✔ should write valid data to a model correctly (example peerconnection) 137 passing (2s) > test:generated > nyc --temp-dir .nyc_output/generated --silent --reporter=html env-cmd -e development ts-mocha --require @babel/register test/generated/index.spec.ts Generated Basic Validation Tests ✔ should correctly validate valid UserType objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with removed schema.username property ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with removed schema.scopes property ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with changed schema.username property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with negated schema.username property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with changed schema.scopes property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with negated schema.scopes property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with changed schema.scopes.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserType objects with negated schema.scopes.items property type ✔ should correctly validate valid AuthenticationMessage objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].token property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].token property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].authenticated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].authenticated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessage objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].status property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessage objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverview objects ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverview objects with missing schema.description property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with removed schema.type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with removed schema.owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with changed schema.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with negated schema.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with removed schema.type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with changed schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with negated schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with removed schema.owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with changed schema.owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverview objects with negated schema.owner property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceDescription objects ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceDescription objects with missing schema.serviceType property ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceDescription objects with missing schema.serviceId property ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceDescription objects with missing schema.serviceDirection property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescription objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescription objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescription objects with removed schema.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescription objects with changed schema.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescription objects with negated schema.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescription objects with changed schema.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescription objects with negated schema.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescription objects with removed schema.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescription objects with changed schema.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescription objects with negated schema.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate valid InstantiableCloudDevice objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDevice objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid TimeSlot objects ✔ should correctly validate valid TimeSlot objects with missing schema.start property ✔ should correctly validate valid TimeSlot objects with missing schema.end property ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlot objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlot objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlot objects with removed schema.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlot objects with changed schema.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlot objects with negated schema.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlot objects with removed schema.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlot objects with changed schema.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlot objects with negated schema.end property type ✔ should correctly validate valid Availability objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid Availability objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Availability objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Availability objects with changed schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Availability objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Availability objects with removed schema.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Availability objects with changed schema.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Availability objects with negated schema.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Availability objects with removed schema.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Availability objects with changed schema.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Availability objects with negated schema.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConcreteDevice objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDevice objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDevice objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceReference objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReference objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReference objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReference objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReference objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReference objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReference objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceGroup objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with removed schema.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with changed schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with negated schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroup objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid Device objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Device objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects with missing property ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects with missing schema.description property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects with removed schema.type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects with changed schema.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects with negated schema.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects with removed schema.type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects with changed schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdate objects with negated schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate valid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdate objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceGroupUpdate objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdate objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceUpdate objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdate objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid AvailabilityRule objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with removed schema.allOf[0].start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with changed schema.allOf[0].start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with negated schema.allOf[0].start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with removed schema.allOf[0].end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with changed schema.allOf[0].end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with negated schema.allOf[0].end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with changed schema.allOf[1].available property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with negated schema.allOf[1].available property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with changed schema.allOf[1].repeat property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with negated schema.allOf[1].repeat property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with removed schema.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with removed schema.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with changed schema.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with negated schema.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with removed schema.allOf[1].repeat.until property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with changed schema.allOf[1].repeat.until property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with negated schema.allOf[1].repeat.until property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with changed schema.allOf[1].repeat.count property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with negated schema.allOf[1].repeat.count property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRule objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid Message objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid Message objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Message objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Message objects with removed schema.messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Message objects with changed schema.messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Message objects with negated schema.messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate valid CommandMessage objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessage objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceConfig objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfig objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfig objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfig objects with removed schema.serviceType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfig objects with removed schema.serviceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfig objects with removed schema.remoteServiceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfig objects with removed schema.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfig objects with changed schema.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfig objects with negated schema.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfig objects with changed schema.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfig objects with negated schema.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfig objects with changed schema.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfig objects with negated schema.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate valid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].tiebreaker property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionType property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].tiebreaker property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].tiebreaker property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessage objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid SignalingMessage objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].signalingType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].content property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].signalingType property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].signalingType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].signalingType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with changed schema.allOf[1].content property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with negated schema.allOf[1].content property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessage objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConnectionStatus objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStatus objects with removed schema property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStatus objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStatus objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid MISSING objects ✔ should correctly validate valid MISSING objects with missing schema.status property ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with removed schema.type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with removed schema.type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with changed schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with negated schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with removed schema.status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with changed schema.status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSING objects with negated schema.status property type ✔ should correctly validate valid PeerconnectionOverview objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverview objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects ✔ should correctly validate valid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with missing schema.config property ✔ should correctly validate valid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with missing property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with changed schema.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with negated schema.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with removed property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReference objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate valid Peerconnection objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid Peerconnection objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ChangedUrl objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ChangedUrl objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ChangedUrl objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ChangedUrl objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceId objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceId objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceId objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceId objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid FlatGroup objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid FlatGroup objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid FlatGroup objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid PeerconnectionUrl objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionUrl objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionUrl objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionUrl objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ClosedUrl objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosedUrl objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosedUrl objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosedUrl objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid StatusChangedUrl objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid StatusChangedUrl objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid StatusChangedUrl objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid StatusChangedUrl objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid PeerconnectionId objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionId objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionId objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionId objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceUrl objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUrl objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUrl objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUrl objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid getDevicesResponse200 objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with changed schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.owner property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesRequestBody objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBody objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesResponse201 objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201 objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBody objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200 objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.deviceToken property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.instance property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with changed schema.deviceToken property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201 objects with negated schema.deviceToken property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].available property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].available property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].repeat property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.until property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.until property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.until property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.count property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.count property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with changed schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBody objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200 objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200 objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200 objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200 objects with changed schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200 objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocketResponse200 objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocketResponse200 objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocketResponse200 objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].tiebreaker property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionType property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].tiebreaker property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].tiebreaker property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].signalingType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].content property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].signalingType property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].signalingType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].signalingType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].content property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].content property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBody objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200 objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBody objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201 objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202 objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200 objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBody objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBody objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBody objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBody objects with removed schema.status property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBody objects with removed schema.status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBody objects with changed schema.status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBody objects with negated schema.status property type ✔ should correctly validate valid UserTypeRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with removed schema.username property ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with removed schema.scopes property ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with changed schema.username property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with negated schema.username property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with changed schema.scopes property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with negated schema.scopes property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with changed schema.scopes.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeRequest objects with negated schema.scopes.items property type ✔ should correctly validate valid UserTypeResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with removed schema.username property ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with removed schema.scopes property ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with changed schema.username property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with negated schema.username property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with changed schema.scopes property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with negated schema.scopes property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with changed schema.scopes.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid UserTypeResponse objects with negated schema.scopes.items property type ✔ should correctly validate valid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].token property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].token property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].authenticated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].authenticated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].token property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].token property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].authenticated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].authenticated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AuthenticationMessageResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].status property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].status property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStateChangedMessageResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewRequest objects with missing schema.description property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewRequest objects with removed schema.type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewRequest objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewRequest objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewRequest objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewRequest objects with changed schema.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewRequest objects with negated schema.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewRequest objects with removed schema.type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewRequest objects with changed schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewRequest objects with negated schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with missing schema.description property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with changed schema.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with negated schema.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with changed schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with negated schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with changed schema.owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewResponse objects with negated schema.owner property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with missing schema.serviceType property ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with missing schema.serviceId property ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with missing schema.serviceDirection property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with removed schema.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with changed schema.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with negated schema.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with changed schema.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with negated schema.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with removed schema.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with changed schema.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionRequest objects with negated schema.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with missing schema.serviceType property ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with missing schema.serviceId property ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with missing schema.serviceDirection property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with removed schema.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with changed schema.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with negated schema.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with changed schema.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with negated schema.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with removed schema.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with changed schema.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceDescriptionResponse objects with negated schema.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate valid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid TimeSlotRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate valid TimeSlotRequest objects with missing schema.start property ✔ should correctly validate valid TimeSlotRequest objects with missing schema.end property ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotRequest objects with removed schema.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotRequest objects with changed schema.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotRequest objects with negated schema.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotRequest objects with removed schema.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotRequest objects with changed schema.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotRequest objects with negated schema.end property type ✔ should correctly validate valid TimeSlotResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate valid TimeSlotResponse objects with missing schema.start property ✔ should correctly validate valid TimeSlotResponse objects with missing schema.end property ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotResponse objects with removed schema.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotResponse objects with changed schema.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotResponse objects with negated schema.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotResponse objects with removed schema.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotResponse objects with changed schema.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid TimeSlotResponse objects with negated schema.end property type ✔ should correctly validate valid AvailabilityRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRequest objects with changed schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRequest objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRequest objects with removed schema.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRequest objects with changed schema.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRequest objects with negated schema.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRequest objects with removed schema.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRequest objects with changed schema.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRequest objects with negated schema.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate valid AvailabilityResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityResponse objects with changed schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityResponse objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityResponse objects with removed schema.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityResponse objects with changed schema.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityResponse objects with negated schema.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityResponse objects with removed schema.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityResponse objects with changed schema.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityResponse objects with negated schema.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceReferenceRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReferenceRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReferenceRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReferenceRequest objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReferenceRequest objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReferenceRequest objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReferenceRequest objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceReferenceResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReferenceResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReferenceResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReferenceResponse objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReferenceResponse objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReferenceResponse objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceReferenceResponse objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceGroupRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceGroupResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects with missing property ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects with missing schema.description property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects with missing property ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects with missing schema.description property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceOverviewUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate valid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableCloudDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConcreteDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly 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changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid InstantiableBrowserDeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceGroupUpdateResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceUpdateRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceUpdateResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUpdateResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].available property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].available property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].repeat property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].repeat property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].repeat.until property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].repeat.until property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].repeat.until property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].repeat.count property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].repeat.count property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].available property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].available property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].repeat property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].repeat property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].repeat.until property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].repeat.until property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].repeat.until property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].repeat.count property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].repeat.count property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid AvailabilityRuleResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid MessageRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid MessageRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MessageRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MessageRequest objects with removed schema.messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid MessageRequest objects with changed schema.messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MessageRequest objects with negated schema.messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate valid MessageResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid MessageResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MessageResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MessageResponse objects with removed schema.messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid MessageResponse objects with changed schema.messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MessageResponse objects with negated schema.messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate valid CommandMessageRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid CommandMessageResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CommandMessageResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceConfigRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigRequest objects with removed schema.serviceType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigRequest objects with removed schema.serviceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigRequest objects with removed schema.remoteServiceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigRequest objects with removed schema.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigRequest objects with changed schema.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigRequest objects with negated schema.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigRequest objects with changed schema.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigRequest objects with negated schema.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigRequest objects with changed schema.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigRequest objects with negated schema.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ServiceConfigResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigResponse objects with removed schema.serviceType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigResponse objects with removed schema.serviceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigResponse objects with removed schema.remoteServiceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigResponse objects with removed schema.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigResponse objects with changed schema.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigResponse objects with negated schema.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigResponse objects with changed schema.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigResponse objects with negated schema.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigResponse objects with changed schema.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ServiceConfigResponse objects with negated schema.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate valid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].tiebreaker property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionType property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].tiebreaker property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].tiebreaker property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].tiebreaker property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionType property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].tiebreaker property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].tiebreaker property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid CreatePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosePeerconnectionMessageResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid SignalingMessageRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].signalingType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].content property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].signalingType property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].signalingType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].signalingType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].content property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].content property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid SignalingMessageResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].signalingType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].content property ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].signalingType property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].signalingType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].signalingType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].content property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].content property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid SignalingMessageResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConnectionStatusRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStatusRequest objects with removed schema property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStatusRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStatusRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConnectionStatusResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStatusResponse objects with removed schema property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStatusResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConnectionStatusResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid MISSINGRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate valid MISSINGRequest objects with missing schema.status property ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGRequest objects with removed schema.type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGRequest objects with removed schema.type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGRequest objects with changed schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGRequest objects with negated schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGRequest objects with removed schema.status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGRequest objects with changed schema.status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGRequest objects with negated schema.status property type ✔ should correctly validate valid MISSINGResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate valid MISSINGResponse objects with missing schema.status property ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with removed schema.type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with removed schema.type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with changed schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with negated schema.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with removed schema.status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with changed schema.status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid MISSINGResponse objects with negated schema.status property type ✔ should correctly validate valid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionOverviewResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate valid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with missing schema.config property ✔ should correctly validate valid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with missing property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with changed schema.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with negated schema.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with removed property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceRequest objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate valid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with missing schema.config property ✔ should correctly validate valid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with missing property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with removed schema.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with removed schema.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with changed schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with negated schema.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with changed schema.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with negated schema.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with removed property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ConfiguredDeviceReferenceResponse objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate valid PeerconnectionRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid PeerconnectionResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ChangedUrlRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ChangedUrlRequest objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ChangedUrlRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ChangedUrlRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ChangedUrlResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ChangedUrlResponse objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ChangedUrlResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ChangedUrlResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceIdRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceIdRequest objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceIdRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceIdRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceIdResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceIdResponse objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceIdResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceIdResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid FlatGroupRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid FlatGroupRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid FlatGroupRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid FlatGroupResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid FlatGroupResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid FlatGroupResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid PeerconnectionUrlRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionUrlRequest objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionUrlRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionUrlRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid PeerconnectionUrlResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionUrlResponse objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionUrlResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionUrlResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ClosedUrlRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosedUrlRequest objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosedUrlRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosedUrlRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid ClosedUrlResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosedUrlResponse objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosedUrlResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid ClosedUrlResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid StatusChangedUrlRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid StatusChangedUrlRequest objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid StatusChangedUrlRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid StatusChangedUrlRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid StatusChangedUrlResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid StatusChangedUrlResponse objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid StatusChangedUrlResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid StatusChangedUrlResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid PeerconnectionIdRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionIdRequest objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionIdRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionIdRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid PeerconnectionIdResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionIdResponse objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionIdResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid PeerconnectionIdResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceUrlRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUrlRequest objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUrlRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUrlRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid DeviceUrlResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUrlResponse objects with removed schema property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUrlResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid DeviceUrlResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid getDevicesResponse200Request objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with removed schema.items.type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with removed schema.items.type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items.type property type ✔ should correctly validate valid getDevicesResponse200Response objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with removed property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with changed property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with negated property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.owner property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesResponse201Request objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Request objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesResponse201Response objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesResponse201Response objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].instantiateUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].codeUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3].allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.anyOf[3] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchDevicesByDeviceIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.deviceToken property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.instance property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with changed schema.deviceToken property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Request objects with negated schema.deviceToken property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.deviceToken property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].name property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].owner property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].name property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].description property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[0].owner property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[0].owner property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].connected property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].announcedAvailability.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].experiment property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].experiment property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with removed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance.allOf[1].services.items.serviceDirection property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.instance property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with changed schema.deviceToken property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdResponse201Response objects with negated schema.deviceToken property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].available property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].available property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].repeat property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.until property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.until property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.until property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.count property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.count property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].available property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].available property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].repeat property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.frequency property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.until property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.until property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.until property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.count property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].repeat.count property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Request objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Request objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Request objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Request objects with removed schema.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Request objects with removed schema.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Response objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Response objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Response objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.start property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.start property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.end property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailabilityResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.end property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocketResponse200Request objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocketResponse200Request objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocketResponse200Request objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocketResponse200Response objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocketResponse200Response objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocketResponse200Response objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].tiebreaker property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionType property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].tiebreaker property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].tiebreaker property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].signalingType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].content property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].signalingType property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].signalingType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].signalingType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].content property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].content property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].tiebreaker property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionType property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.serviceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].services.items.remoteServiceId property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].tiebreaker property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].tiebreaker property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0].allOf[1].config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].command property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].command property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[0].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].messageType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].signalingType property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].connectionUrl property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].content property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].messageType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].signalingType property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].signalingType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].signalingType property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].connectionUrl property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].connectionUrl property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].content property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2].allOf[1].content property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.anyOf[2] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postDevicesByDeviceIdSignalingRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Request objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate valid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with removed schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with changed schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsResponse200Response objects with negated schema.items property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Request objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse201Response objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Request objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid postPeerconnectionsResponse202Response objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Request objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[0] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[0].url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].type property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[0].type property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.allOf[0].status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[0].status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.url property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1].devices.items.config property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with removed schema.allOf[1] property format ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with changed schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema.allOf[1] property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdResponse200Response objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate valid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyRequest objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.status property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyRequest objects with removed schema.status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyRequest objects with changed schema.status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyRequest objects with negated schema.status property type ✔ should correctly validate valid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyResponse objects ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.status property ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyResponse objects with removed schema.status property enum ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyResponse objects with changed schema.status property type ✔ should correctly validate invalid patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatusRequestBodyResponse objects with negated schema.status property type Request Validation Tests ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for getDevices ✔ should return true when validating a valid 200 output for getDevices ✔ should return false when validating an invalid 200 output for getDevices (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for getDevices ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for getDevices ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for getDevices ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for getDevices ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for getDevices ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for getDevices ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for getDevices ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for postDevices ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for postDevices (undefined unrequired parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevices (null parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevices (invalid 'changedUrl'-parameter) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevices (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 201 output for postDevices ✔ should return false when validating an invalid 201 output for postDevices (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for postDevices ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for postDevices ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for postDevices ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for postDevices ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for postDevices ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for postDevices ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for postDevices ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for getDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for getDevicesByDeviceId (undefined required parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for getDevicesByDeviceId (invalid 'device_id'-parameter) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for getDevicesByDeviceId (invalid 'flat_group'-parameter) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 200 output for getDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an invalid 200 output for getDevicesByDeviceId (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for getDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for getDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for getDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for getDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for getDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for getDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for getDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for patchDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for patchDevicesByDeviceId (undefined required parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for patchDevicesByDeviceId (invalid 'device_id'-parameter) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for patchDevicesByDeviceId (invalid 'changedUrl'-parameter) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for patchDevicesByDeviceId (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for patchDevicesByDeviceId (empty not unrequired body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 200 output for patchDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an invalid 200 output for patchDevicesByDeviceId (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for patchDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for patchDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for patchDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for patchDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for patchDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for patchDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for patchDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for deleteDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for deleteDevicesByDeviceId (undefined required parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for deleteDevicesByDeviceId (invalid 'device_id'-parameter) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 204 output for deleteDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for deleteDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for deleteDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for deleteDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for deleteDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for deleteDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for deleteDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for deleteDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for postDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevicesByDeviceId (undefined required parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevicesByDeviceId (invalid 'device_id'-parameter) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevicesByDeviceId (invalid 'changedUrl'-parameter) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 201 output for postDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an invalid 201 output for postDevicesByDeviceId (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for postDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for postDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for postDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for postDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for postDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for postDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for postDevicesByDeviceId ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability (undefined required parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability (invalid 'device_id'-parameter) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability (empty not unrequired body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 200 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability ✔ should return false when validating an invalid 200 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for postDevicesByDeviceIdAvailability ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocket ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocket (undefined required parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocket (invalid 'device_id'-parameter) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 200 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocket ✔ should return false when validating an invalid 200 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocket (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocket ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocket ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocket ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocket ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocket ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocket ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for postDevicesByDeviceIdWebsocket ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling (undefined required parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling (invalid 'device_id'-parameter) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling (invalid 'peerconnection_url'-parameter) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 200 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for postDevicesByDeviceIdSignaling ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for getPeerconnections ✔ should return true when validating a valid 200 output for getPeerconnections ✔ should return false when validating an invalid 200 output for getPeerconnections (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for getPeerconnections ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for getPeerconnections ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for getPeerconnections ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for getPeerconnections ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for getPeerconnections ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for getPeerconnections ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for getPeerconnections ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for postPeerconnections ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for postPeerconnections (undefined unrequired parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postPeerconnections (null parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postPeerconnections (invalid 'closedUrl'-parameter) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postPeerconnections (invalid 'statusChangedUrl'-parameter) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for postPeerconnections (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 201 output for postPeerconnections ✔ should return false when validating an invalid 201 output for postPeerconnections (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 202 output for postPeerconnections ✔ should return false when validating an invalid 202 output for postPeerconnections (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for postPeerconnections ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for postPeerconnections ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for postPeerconnections ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for postPeerconnections ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for postPeerconnections ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for postPeerconnections ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for postPeerconnections ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId (undefined required parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId (invalid 'peerconnection_id'-parameter) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 200 output for getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return false when validating an invalid 200 output for getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for getPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for deletePeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for deletePeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId (undefined required parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for deletePeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId (invalid 'peerconnection_id'-parameter) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 204 output for deletePeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for deletePeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for deletePeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for deletePeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for deletePeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for deletePeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for deletePeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for deletePeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionId ✔ should return true when validating a valid input for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus (undefined required parameters) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus (invalid 'peerconnection_id'-parameter) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus (invalid 'device_url'-parameter) ✔ should return false when validating an invalid input for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus (invalid body) ✔ should return true when validating a valid 201 output for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus ✔ should return true when validating a valid 400 output for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus ✔ should return true when validating a valid 401 output for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus ✔ should return true when validating a valid 403 output for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus ✔ should return true when validating a valid 404 output for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus ✔ should return true when validating a valid 500 output for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus ✔ should return false when validating an output with an invalid status code for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus ✔ should return false when validating an output with a status code < 100 or >= 600 for patchPeerconnectionsByPeerconnectionIdDeviceStatus TypeGuard Tests ✔ should execute the typeguard for UserType correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for AuthenticationMessage correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for ConnectionStateChangedMessage correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for DeviceOverview correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for InstantiableCloudDevice correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for ConcreteDevice correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for InstantiableBrowserDevice correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for DeviceGroup correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for Device correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for Message correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for CommandMessage correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for CreatePeerconnectionMessage correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for ClosePeerconnectionMessage correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for SignalingMessage correctly ✔ should execute the typeguard for Peerconnection correctly ✔ should return true when calling isSuccessResponse with a SuccessResponse ✔ should return false when calling isSuccessResponse with an ErrorResponse ✔ should return true when calling isErrorResponse with a ErrorResponse ✔ should return true when calling isErrorResponse with a SuccessResponse Route Tests ✔ should handle errors without status and name correctly ✔ should catch missing routes GET /devices Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed POST /devices Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly (56ms) ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed GET /devices/{device_id} Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed PATCH /devices/{device_id} Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed DELETE /devices/{device_id} Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed POST /devices/{device_id} Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed POST /devices/{device_id}/availability Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed POST /devices/{device_id}/websocket Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed POST /devices/{device_id}/signaling Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed GET /peerconnections Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed POST /peerconnections Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed GET /peerconnections/{peerconnection_id} Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed DELETE /peerconnections/{peerconnection_id} Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed PATCH /peerconnections/{peerconnection_id}/device_status Tests ✔ should deny access without necessary scopes ✔ should call the validation and operation methods correctly ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the input validation failed ✔ should throw a ValidationError if the output validation failed 6336 passing (5s) > test:operations > nyc --temp-dir .nyc_output/operations --silent --reporter=html env-cmd -e development ts-mocha --require @babel/register test/operations/index.spec.ts Operations ✔ should initialize the test data GET /devices ✔ should get all devices POST /devices ✔ should create a new device (concrete device) ✔ should create a new device (device group) ✔ should create a new device (nested device group) ✔ should create a new device (instantiable browser device) ✔ should create a new device (instantiable cloud device) ✔ should create a new device and register a callback url GET /devices/{device_id} ✔ should return the formatted device ✔ should return the flattened formatted device group ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError if device is not found POST /devices/{device_id} ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError if device is not found ✔ should throw a ImpossibleOperationError if the device is not instantiable ✔ should successfully instantiate an instantiable device (instantiable browser device) ✔ should successfully instantiate an instantiable device (instantiable cloud device) ✔ should register changed-callback for created instance (instantiable browser device) ✔ should register changed-callback for created instance (instantiable cloud device) PATCH /devices/{device_id} ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError if device is not found ✔ should register a device-changed callback url for the device if provided device type 'cloud instantiable' ✔ should update a device of type 'cloud instantiable' ✔ should throw an error if the type of the update is not 'cloud instantiable' device type 'device' ✔ should update a device of type 'device' ✔ should throw an error if the type of the update is not 'device' device type 'edge instantiable' ✔ should update a device of type 'edge instantiable' ✔ should throw an error if the type of the update is not 'edge instantiable' device type 'group' ✔ should update a device of type 'group' ✔ should throw an error if the type of the update is not 'group' DELETE /devices/{device_id} ✔ should delete the device ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError if device is not found - should throw an error if user is not the owner of the device - superadmin/admin should be able to delete the device POST /devices/{device_id}/availability ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError if the device could not be found ✔ should throw a ImpossibleOperationError if the device is not of type 'device' POST /devices/{device_id}/signaling ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError if the requested device cannot be found ✔ should throw a ImpossibleOperationError if type of requested device is not 'device' ✔ should throw an UnrelatedPeerconnectionError if the device is not taking part in the peerconnection ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError if the device does not have a websocket connection ✔ should successfully send the signaling message POST /devices/{device_id}/websocket ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError if the requested device cannot be found ✔ should throw a ImpossibleOperationError if the device is not of type 'device' ✔ should successfully generate the websocket token and remove it after 5 minutes GET /peerconnections ✔ should get all peerconnections DELETE /peerconnections/{peerconnection_id} ✔ should delete the peerconnection ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError if peerconnection is not found GET /peerconnections/{peerconnection_id} ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError if the requested peerconnection cannot be found ✔ should return the requested peerconnection PATCH /peerconnections/{peerconnection_id}/device_status ✔ should throw a MissingEntityError if the requested peerconnection cannot be found ✔ should throw an UnrelatedPeerconnectionError if the device is not part of the peerconnection ✔ should successfully change status of device and peerconnection callback handling ✔ should return a MalformedBodyError if body of callback is not an object ✔ should return a MalformedBodyError if body of callback is null ✔ should return a MalformedBodyError if body of callback does not have property 'callbackType' ✔ should return a MalformedBodyError if property 'callbackType' in body of callback is not a string ✔ should return a InvalidValueError if value of 'callbackType' in body of callback is not supported ✔ should call correct function for callback of type 'event' event-callback handling ✔ should throw a MalformedBodyError if body of callback does not contain property 'eventType' ✔ should throw a MalformedBodyError if property 'eventType' in body of callback is not a string ✔ should throw an InvalidValueError if the type of the event-callback is not supported ✔ should call the correct function for a 'device-changed' event-callback device-changed event-callback handling ✔ should throw a MalformedBodyError if body of callback does not contain property 'device' ✔ should throw a MalformedBodyError if property 'device' in body of callback is not a valid device ✔ should return 410 if the device is not of type 'device' ✔ should call the correct function for a device of type 'device' ✔ should handle a device of type 'device' correctly (both connected and remaining connections) ✔ should handle a device of type 'device' correctly (both devices not connected and remaining connections) ✔ should handle a device of type 'device' correctly (no remaining connections) 64 passing (3s) 2 pending