================== js Client to js Client Communication: should connect without errors 13755ms [log] starting device 23689ms [log] [0207/123243.211906:ERROR:bus.cc(399)] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory 23689ms [log] 23690ms [log] [0207/123243.235652:ERROR:bus.cc(399)] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory 23690ms [log] 24640ms [log] DevTools listening on ws:// 24640ms [log] 24640ms [log] Chromium is ready 25113ms [log] [0207/123244.606783:WARNING:bluez_dbus_manager.cc(247)] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. 25113ms [log] 25447ms [log] [0207/123244.995515:WARNING:sandbox_linux.cc(385)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process. 25447ms [log] 29684ms [log] [websocketToken] "52fbeb6f-0345-4209-b885-469791a61de4" 30035ms [log] [websocketConnected] 30037ms [log] { result: { type: 'undefined' } } 30037ms [log] [ready] ================== js Client to js Client Communication: should start an experiment 31408ms [log] [configuration] {"experimentUrl":"http://localhost/experiments/9bbcb4f7-ac59-4a06-82c9-742fac61f1f0"} 31870ms [log] creating connection { 31870ms [log] messageType: 'command', 31870ms [log] command: 'createPeerconnection', 31870ms [log] connectionType: 'webrtc', 31870ms [log] connectionUrl: 'http://localhost/peerconnections/9fcd05f5-43a7-4573-9ace-8f53b55a3156', 31870ms [log] services: 'Array(1)' 31870ms [log] } 32881ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.receive called { serviceConfig: 'Object', id: 'data', channel: 'DataChannel' } 32881ms [log] webrtc connect 32881ms [log] [connectionsChanged] [{"url":"http://localhost/peerconnections/9fcd05f5-43a7-4573-9ace-8f53b55a3156","state":"connecting"}] 33083ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.makeAnswer called { offer: 'Object' } 33083ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.matchMediaChannels called 33084ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.matchMediaChannels transeivers { transceivers: 'Array(0)' } 33084ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.makeAnswer created answer { answer: 'RTCSessionDescription' } 33097ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection connectionStateChanged { state: 'connecting' } 33097ms [log] [connectionsChanged] [{"url":"http://localhost/peerconnections/9fcd05f5-43a7-4573-9ace-8f53b55a3156","state":"connecting"}] 33114ms [log] [0207/123252.662851:WARNING:stun_port.cc(485)] Port[1ea5400:0:1:0:local:Net[any:0:0:0:x:x:x:x:x/0:Wildcard:id=0]]: StunPort: stun host lookup received error 0 33114ms [log] 33114ms [log] [0207/123252.663004:WARNING:stun_port.cc(485)] Port[1ea5400:0:1:0:local:Net[any:0:0:0:x:x:x:x:x/0:Wildcard:id=0]]: StunPort: stun host lookup received error 0 33114ms [log] 33114ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.makeAnswer updated answer { answer: 'RTCSessionDescription' } 33114ms [log] [0207/123252.663813:WARNING:basic_port_allocator.cc(1056)] Discarding candidate because port is already done gathering. 33114ms [log] 33115ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.modifySDP called { 33115ms [log] sdpString: 'v=0\r\n' + 33115ms [log] 'o=- 7278589466691046642 2 IN IP4\r\n' + 33115ms [log] 's…:0\r\n' + 33115ms [log] 'a=sctp-port:5000\r\n' + 33115ms [log] 'a=max-message-size:262144\r\n' 33115ms [log] } 33115ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.modifySDP returns { 33115ms [log] sdpString: 'v=0\r\n' + 33115ms [log] 'o=- 7278589466691046642 2 IN IP4\r\n' + 33115ms [log] 's…:0\r\n' + 33115ms [log] 'a=sctp-port:5000\r\n' + 33115ms [log] 'a=max-message-size:262144\r\n' 33115ms [log] } 33116ms [log] sending: { signalingType: 'answer', content: 'Object' } 33380ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection connectionStateChanged { state: 'connected' } 33381ms [log] [connectionsChanged] [{"url":"http://localhost/peerconnections/9fcd05f5-43a7-4573-9ace-8f53b55a3156","state":"connected"}] 33438ms [log] { 33438ms [log] isTrusted: 'true', 33438ms [log] channel: 'RTCDataChannel', 33438ms [log] type: 'datachannel', 33438ms [log] target: 'RTCPeerConnection', 33438ms [log] currentTarget: 'RTCPeerConnection' 33438ms [log] } 34372ms [log] closing connection { 34372ms [log] messageType: 'command', 34372ms [log] command: 'closePeerconnection', 34372ms [log] connectionUrl: 'http://localhost/peerconnections/9fcd05f5-43a7-4573-9ace-8f53b55a3156' 34372ms [log] } 34373ms [log] [connectionsChanged] [{"url":"http://localhost/peerconnections/9fcd05f5-43a7-4573-9ace-8f53b55a3156","state":"closed"}] 37430ms [log] [closed] ================== js Client to python Client Communication: should connect without errors 38146ms [log] starting device 38312ms [log] [0207/123257.858189:ERROR:bus.cc(399)] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory 38312ms [log] 38313ms [log] [0207/123257.858361:ERROR:bus.cc(399)] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory 38313ms [log] 38332ms [log] DevTools listening on ws:// 38332ms [log] 38332ms [log] Chromium is ready 38333ms [log] [0207/123257.881691:WARNING:bluez_dbus_manager.cc(247)] Floss manager not present, cannot set Floss enable/disable. 38333ms [log] 38352ms [log] [0207/123257.901092:WARNING:sandbox_linux.cc(385)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process. 38352ms [log] 40350ms [log] [websocketToken] "955cc030-9c05-47fa-8e1d-fdde75ab7d59" 40555ms [log] [websocketConnected] 40559ms [log] { result: { type: 'undefined' } } 40559ms [log] [ready] ================== js Client to python Client Communication: should start an experiment 42406ms [log] [configuration] {"experimentUrl":"http://localhost/experiments/dcc3f54e-fbe4-4483-bae9-c1ab65136b26"} 43057ms [log] creating connection { 43057ms [log] messageType: 'command', 43057ms [log] command: 'createPeerconnection', 43057ms [log] connectionType: 'webrtc', 43057ms [log] connectionUrl: 'http://localhost/peerconnections/1cc1457b-0cca-427a-a3e7-fcafed6b58d1', 43057ms [log] services: 'Array(1)' 43057ms [log] } 43087ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.receive called { serviceConfig: 'Object', id: 'data', channel: 'DataChannel' } 43088ms [log] webrtc connect 43088ms [log] [connectionsChanged] [{"url":"http://localhost/peerconnections/1cc1457b-0cca-427a-a3e7-fcafed6b58d1","state":"connecting"}] 43102ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.makeAnswer called { offer: 'Object' } 43103ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.matchMediaChannels called 43103ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.matchMediaChannels transeivers { transceivers: 'Array(0)' } 43104ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.makeAnswer created answer { answer: 'RTCSessionDescription' } 43108ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection connectionStateChanged { state: 'connecting' } 43108ms [log] [connectionsChanged] [{"url":"http://localhost/peerconnections/1cc1457b-0cca-427a-a3e7-fcafed6b58d1","state":"connecting"}] 43108ms [log] [0207/123302.657237:WARNING:stun_port.cc(485)] Port[e21e00:0:1:0:local:Net[any:0:0:0:x:x:x:x:x/0:Wildcard:id=0]]: StunPort: stun host lookup received error 0 43108ms [log] [0207/123302.657372:WARNING:stun_port.cc(485)] Port[e21e00:0:1:0:local:Net[any:0:0:0:x:x:x:x:x/0:Wildcard:id=0]]: StunPort: stun host lookup received error 0 43108ms [log] 43110ms [log] [0207/123302.658863:WARNING:basic_port_allocator.cc(1056)] Discarding candidate because port is already done gathering. 43110ms [log] 43110ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.makeAnswer updated answer { answer: 'RTCSessionDescription' } 43111ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.modifySDP called { 43111ms [log] sdpString: 'v=0\r\n' + 43111ms [log] 'o=- 7306865873035967643 2 IN IP4\r\n' + 43111ms [log] 's…a=mid:0\r\n' + 43111ms [log] 'a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024\r\n' 43111ms [log] } 43111ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection.modifySDP returns { 43111ms [log] sdpString: 'v=0\r\n' + 43111ms [log] 'o=- 7306865873035967643 2 IN IP4\r\n' + 43111ms [log] 's…a=mid:0\r\n' + 43111ms [log] 'a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024\r\n' 43111ms [log] } 43111ms [log] sending: { signalingType: 'answer', content: 'Object' } 43451ms [log] WebRTCPeerConnection connectionStateChanged { state: 'connected' } 43451ms [log] [connectionsChanged] [{"url":"http://localhost/peerconnections/1cc1457b-0cca-427a-a3e7-fcafed6b58d1","state":"connected"}] 43458ms [log] { 43458ms [log] isTrusted: 'true', 43458ms [log] channel: 'RTCDataChannel', 43458ms [log] type: 'datachannel', 43458ms [log] target: 'RTCPeerConnection', 43458ms [log] currentTarget: 'RTCPeerConnection' 43458ms [log] } 44708ms [log] closing connection { 44708ms [log] messageType: 'command', 44708ms [log] command: 'closePeerconnection', 44708ms [log] connectionUrl: 'http://localhost/peerconnections/1cc1457b-0cca-427a-a3e7-fcafed6b58d1' 44708ms [log] } 44708ms [log] [0207/123304.256627:ERROR:dcsctp_transport.cc(498)] DcSctpTransport0->OnAborted(error=PEER_REPORTED, message=). 44708ms [log] 44708ms [log] [connectionsChanged] [{"url":"http://localhost/peerconnections/1cc1457b-0cca-427a-a3e7-fcafed6b58d1","state":"closed"}] 50519ms [log] [closed] ================== python Client to js Client Communication: should connect without errors ================== python Client to js Client Communication: should start an experiment ================== python Client to python Client Communication: should connect without errors ================== python Client to python Client Communication: should start an experiment