added 454 packages, and audited 460 packages in 10s 63 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 2 moderate severity vulnerabilities To address all issues, run: npm audit fix Run `npm audit` for details. > build > npm run build-web-compile && npm run build-compile > build-web-compile > webpack --mode=development && cp -f src-web/index.html http-dist/index.html asset [1m[32mbundle.js[39m[22m 3.38 MiB [1m[32m[emitted][39m[22m (name: main) runtime modules 1.98 KiB 5 modules modules by path [1m../../../clients/[39m[22m 1.22 MiB modules by path [1m../../../clients/api/js/[39m[22m 1.18 MiB 13 modules modules by path [1m../../../clients/soa/js/[39m[22m 27.8 KiB modules by path [1m../../../clients/soa/js/lib/esm/[39m[22m 27.2 KiB 8 modules modules by path [1m../../../clients/soa/js/node_modules/[39m[22m 672 bytes 2 modules modules by path [1m../../../clients/soa_services/[39m[22m 17 KiB modules by path [1m../../../clients/soa_services/electricalConnection/js/[39m[22m 13.5 KiB 6 modules modules by path [1m../../../clients/soa_services/file/js/[39m[22m 3.54 KiB 3 modules modules by path [1m./[39m[22m 19.7 KiB [1m./src-web/index.ts[39m[22m 5.14 KiB [1m[33m[built][39m[22m [1m[33m[code generated][39m[22m [1m./node_modules/events/events.js[39m[22m 14.5 KiB [1m[33m[built][39m[22m [1m[33m[code generated][39m[22m webpack 5.93.0 compiled [1m[32msuccessfully[39m[22m in 3678 ms > build-compile > tsc npm notice npm notice 📦 @crosslab/dummy-device@0.2.8-dev.f083c69 npm notice === Tarball Contents === npm notice 4.7kB app/index.js npm notice 4.6kB app/ npm notice 3.5MB http-dist/bundle.js npm notice 104B http-dist/index.html npm notice 1.5kB package.json npm notice === Tarball Details === npm notice name: @crosslab/dummy-device npm notice version: 0.2.8-dev.f083c69 npm notice filename: crosslab-dummy-device-0.2.8-dev.f083c69.tgz npm notice package size: 377.6 kB npm notice unpacked size: 3.6 MB npm notice shasum: e0be5213a06b515e2a638d16c11f0a3424389071 npm notice integrity: sha512-saGg1S84vEdyF[...]776dJlyi65ufA== npm notice total files: 5 npm notice