> @crosslab/service-booking@0.2.3-dev.ddf69f9 openapi-lint > npx @redocly/cli lint ./dist/openapi.yml validating ./dist/openapi.yml... [1] dist/openapi.yml:31:1 at #/~1schedule Property `/schedule` is not expected here. 29 | 30 | paths: 31 | /schedule: 32 | post: 33 | operationId: 'schedule' Error was generated by the spec rule. [2] dist/openapi.yml:116:1 at #/~1booking Property `/booking` is not expected here. 114 | description: >- 115 | Service is unable to respond in time, possibly overloaded. Try again in a few minutes. 116 | /booking: 117 | post: 118 | operationId: 'newBooking' Error was generated by the spec rule. [3] dist/openapi.yml:174:1 at #/~1booking~1{ID} Property `/booking/{ID}` is not expected here. 172 | description: >- 173 | Service is unable to respond in time, possibly overloaded. Try again in a few minutes. 174 | /booking/{ID}: 175 | patch: 176 | operationId: 'updateBooking' Error was generated by the spec rule. [4] dist/openapi.yml:329:1 at #/~1booking~1{ID}~1destroy Property `/booking/{ID}/destroy` is not expected here. 327 | description: >- 328 | Service is unable to respond in time, possibly overloaded. Try again in a few minutes. 329 | /booking/{ID}/destroy: 330 | delete: 331 | operationId: 'destroyBooking' Error was generated by the spec rule. [5] dist/openapi.yml:369:1 at #/~1booking~1{ID}~1lock Property `/booking/{ID}/lock` is not expected here. 367 | description: >- 368 | Service is unable to respond in time, possibly overloaded. Try again in a few minutes. 369 | /booking/{ID}/lock: 370 | put: 371 | operationId: 'lockBooking' Error was generated by the spec rule. [6] dist/openapi.yml:459:1 at #/~1booking_callback~1{ID} Property `/booking_callback/{ID}` is not expected here. 457 | description: >- 458 | Service is unable to respond in time, possibly overloaded. Try again in a few minutes. 459 | /booking_callback/{ID}: 460 | post: 461 | operationId: 'bookingCallback' Error was generated by the spec rule. [7] dist/openapi.yml:30:1 at #/paths Expected type `Paths` (object) but got `null` 28 | description: The device reservation service handles the actual low-level reservation of devices. Since all requests m...<122 chars> 29 | 30 | paths: 31 | /schedule: 32 | post: Error was generated by the spec rule. [8] dist/openapi.yml:3:1 at #/info Info object should contain `license` field. 1 | # This file was automatically generated by documentation-and-generation.fish - all changes will be lost\n 2 | openapi: 3.1.0 3 | info: 4 | title: Booking service 5 | description: >- Warning was generated by the info-license rule. [9] dist/openapi.yml:494:5 at #/components/parameters/ID Component: "ID" is never used. 492 | components: 493 | parameters: 494 | ID: 495 | in: path 496 | name: ID Warning was generated by the no-unused-components rule. [10] dist/openapi.yml:502:5 at #/components/schemas/Booking Component: "Booking" is never used. 500 | required: true 501 | schemas: 502 | Booking: 503 | title: Booking 504 | description: A booking in the booking system. Warning was generated by the no-unused-components rule. [11] dist/openapi.yml:561:5 at #/components/schemas/Experiment Component: "Experiment" is never used. 559 | description: Unique ID of the device. Contains the institution (by having an end point at that institution) 560 | format: uri 561 | Experiment: 562 | title: Experiment 563 | description: An experiment describes a set of devices and how they should be connected (potentially among other metadata). Warning was generated by the no-unused-components rule. ./dist/openapi.yml: validated in 47ms ❌ Validation failed with 7 errors and 4 warnings. run `redocly lint --generate-ignore-file` to add all problems to the ignore file.