> openapi-lint > npx --yes @redocly/cli lint ./api/openapi.yml [90mvalidating ./api/openapi.yml... [39m[1] [43m[30mapi/openapi.yml:2:1[39m[49m [90mat #/openapi[39m Servers must be present. [90m1 |[39m [90m# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/main/schemas/v3.1/schema.json[39m [90m2 |[39m [31mopenapi[39m: 3.1.0 [90m3 |[39m [90minfo:[39m [90m4 |[39m [90mtitle: CrossLab Simple Authentication Service (internal)[39m Warning was generated by the [34mno-empty-servers[39m rule. [2] [43m[30mapi/openapi.yml:3:1[39m[49m [90mat #/info[39m Info object should contain `license` field. [90m1 |[39m [90m# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/main/schemas/v3.1/schema.json[39m [90m2 |[39m [90mopenapi: 3.1.0[39m [90m3 |[39m [31minfo[39m: [90m4 |[39m [90mtitle: CrossLab Simple Authentication Service (internal)[39m [90m5 |[39m [90mdescription: |-[39m Warning was generated by the [34minfo-license[39m rule. [3] [43m[30mapi/resources/token.yml:40:9[39m[49m [90mat #/components/paths/token/post/responses[39m Operation must have at least one `4XX` response. [90m38 |[39m [90mrequired:[39m [90m39 |[39m [90m- username[39m [90m40 |[39m [31mresponses[39m: [90m41 |[39m [90m201:[39m [90m42 |[39m [90mdescription: The token was created successfully.[39m Warning was generated by the [34moperation-4xx-response[39m rule. [90m./api/openapi.yml: validated in 46ms [39m[32mWoohoo! Your API description is valid. 🎉 [39m[33mYou have 3 warnings. [39m