> openapi-lint > npx --yes @redocly/cli lint ./api/openapi.yml validating ./api/openapi.yml... [1] api/operations/platform.yml:14:5 at #/paths/platform/get/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 12 | paths: 13 | platform: 14 | get: 15 | operationId: list_platform 16 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [2] api/operations/platform.yml:32:5 at #/paths/platform/post/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 30 | 401: 31 | description: Unauthorized. 32 | post: 33 | operationId: register_platform 34 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [3] api/operations/platform.yml:55:5 at #/paths/platform_by_id/get/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 53 | description: Unauthorized 54 | platform_by_id: 55 | get: 56 | operationId: get_platform 57 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [4] api/operations/platform.yml:93:5 at #/paths/platform_by_id/delete/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 91 | 401: 92 | description: Unauthorized. 93 | delete: 94 | operationId: delete_platform 95 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [5] api/operations/platform.yml:73:5 at #/paths/platform_by_id/patch/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 71 | 401: 72 | description: Unauthorized. 73 | patch: 74 | operationId: update_platform 75 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [6] api/operations/lti_request.yml:47:5 at #/paths/login/post/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 45 | - session 46 | login: 47 | post: 48 | operationId: lti_login 49 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [7] api/operations/lti_request.yml:5:5 at #/paths/launch/post/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 3 | paths: 4 | launch: 5 | post: 6 | operationId: lti_launch 7 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [8] api/operations/lti_request.yml:102:5 at #/paths/jwks/get/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 100 | additionalProperties: false 101 | jwks: 102 | get: 103 | operationId: lti_jwks 104 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [9] api/operations/resource.yml:21:5 at #/paths/resource/get/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 19 | paths: 20 | resource: 21 | get: 22 | operationId: list_resource 23 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [10] api/operations/resource.yml:40:5 at #/paths/resource_by_id/get/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 38 | description: Unauthorized. 39 | resource_by_id: 40 | get: 41 | operationId: get_resource 42 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [11] api/operations/resource.yml:84:5 at #/paths/resource_by_id/delete/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 82 | 401: 83 | description: Unauthorized. 84 | delete: 85 | operationId: delete_resource 86 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [12] api/operations/resource.yml:58:5 at #/paths/resource_by_id/patch/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 56 | 401: 57 | description: Unauthorized. 58 | patch: 59 | operationId: update_resource 60 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [13] api/operations/resource.yml:99:5 at #/paths/resource_by_id_students/get/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field.  97 | description: Unauthorized.  98 | resource_by_id_students:  99 | get: 100 | operationId: list_resource_students 101 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [14] api/schemas/student.yml:5:3 at #/$defs/partial Expected type `Schema` (object) but got `null` 3 | 4 | $defs: 5 | partial: 6 | type: object 7 | properties: Error was generated by the spec rule. [15] api/operations/resource.yml:119:5 at #/paths/resource_by_id_students/patch/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 117 | 401: 118 | description: Unauthorized. 119 | patch: 120 | operationId: update_resource_students 121 | description: Update the students of the resource. Acts as you would call a PATCH on each student. Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [16] api/operations/resource.yml:158:5 at #/paths/resource_by_id_students_by_id/get/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 156 | description: Unauthorized. 157 | resource_by_id_students_by_id: 158 | get: 159 | operationId: get_resource_student 160 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [17] api/operations/resource.yml:182:5 at #/paths/resource_by_id_students_by_id/patch/summary Operation object should contain `summary` field. 180 | 401: 181 | description: Unauthorized. 182 | patch: 183 | operationId: update_resource_student 184 | tags: Error was generated by the operation-summary rule. [18] api/openapi.yml:2:1 at #/openapi Servers must be present. 1 | # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/main/schemas/v3.1/schema.json 2 | openapi: 3.1.0 3 | info: 4 | title: CrossLab LTI Service REST API (internal) Warning was generated by the no-empty-servers rule. [19] api/openapi.yml:3:1 at #/info Info object should contain `license` field. 1 | # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/main/schemas/v3.1/schema.json 2 | openapi: 3.1.0 3 | info: 4 | title: CrossLab LTI Service REST API (internal) 5 | description: |- Warning was generated by the info-license rule. [20] api/operations/lti_request.yml:86:7 at #/paths/login/post/responses Operation must have at least one `4XX` response. 84 | - lti_message_hint 85 | additionalProperties: false 86 | responses: 87 | 200: 88 | description: |- Warning was generated by the operation-4xx-response rule. [21] api/operations/lti_request.yml:29:7 at #/paths/launch/post/responses Operation must have at least one `4XX` response. 27 | - id_token 28 | additionalProperties: false 29 | responses: 30 | 200: 31 | description: |- Warning was generated by the operation-4xx-response rule. [22] api/operations/lti_request.yml:109:7 at #/paths/jwks/get/responses Operation must have at least one `4XX` response. 107 | parameters: 108 | - $ref: 'platform.yml#/components/parameters/platform_id' 109 | responses: 110 | 200: 111 | description: |- Warning was generated by the operation-4xx-response rule. ./api/openapi.yml: validated in 66ms ❌ Validation failed with 17 errors and 5 warnings. run `redocly lint --generate-ignore-file` to add all problems to the ignore file.