added 526 packages, and audited 1004 packages in 16s

81 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

1 high severity vulnerability

To address all issues, run:
  npm audit fix

Run `npm audit` for details.

> test
> mocha --require ts-node/register --require test/fixtures/subsystems.ts test/**/*.spec.ts

(node:3861) ExperimentalWarning: Custom ESM Loaders is an experimental feature and might change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
[winston] Unknown logger level: warning

    ✔ should be viewable by the owner (51ms)
    ✔ should be editable by the owner
    ✔ should be deleteable by the owner
    ✔ should be viewable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be editable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be deleteable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be viewable by unassociated user
    ✔ should not be editable by unassociated user
    ✔ should not be deleteable by unassociated user

    ✔ should be viewable by the owner
    ✔ should be editable by the owner
    ✔ should be deleteable by the owner
    ✔ should be viewable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be editable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be deleteable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be viewable by unassociated user
    ✔ should not be editable by unassociated user
    ✔ should not be deleteable by unassociated user

    ✔ should be viewable by the owner
    ✔ should be editable by the owner
    ✔ should be deleteable by the owner
    ✔ should be viewable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be editable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be deleteable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be viewable by unassociated user
    ✔ should not be editable by unassociated user
    ✔ should not be deleteable by unassociated user

    ✔ should be viewable by the owner
    ✔ should be editable by the owner
    ✔ should be deleteable by the owner
    ✔ should be viewable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be editable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be deleteable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be viewable by unassociated user
    ✔ should not be editable by unassociated user
    ✔ should not be deleteable by unassociated user

    ✔ should be viewable by the owner
    ✔ should be editable by the owner
    ✔ should be deleteable by the owner
    ✔ should be viewable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be editable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be deleteable by the viewer
    ✔ should not be viewable by unassociated user
    ✔ should not be editable by unassociated user
    ✔ should not be deleteable by unassociated user

    ✔ should persist data (18441ms)

    ✔ should be queryable by full tuple
    ✔ should be queryable by object only
    ✔ should be queryable by object type and subject
    ✔ should be queryable by object and relation

  Subject Formats
    ✔ should be read in jwt format
    ✔ should be read fully qualified subject
    ✔ should be read in short format

  53 passing (21s)