npm WARN deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful. npm WARN deprecated abab@2.0.6: Use your platform's native atob() and btoa() methods instead npm WARN deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported npm WARN deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see npm WARN deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See npm WARN deprecated request-promise-native@1.0.9: request-promise-native has been deprecated because it extends the now deprecated request package, see npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported npm WARN deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1: npm WARN deprecated domexception@1.0.1: Use your platform's native DOMException instead npm WARN deprecated rimraf@2.7.1: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported npm WARN deprecated w3c-hr-time@1.0.2: Use your platform's native and performance.timeOrigin. npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details. npm WARN deprecated chokidar@2.1.8: Chokidar 2 does not receive security updates since 2019. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x fewer dependencies npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see npm WARN deprecated svgo@1.3.2: This SVGO version is no longer supported. Upgrade to v2.x.x. npm WARN deprecated svgo@1.3.2: This SVGO version is no longer supported. Upgrade to v2.x.x. npm WARN deprecated parcel-bundler@1.12.5: Parcel v1 is no longer maintained. Please migrate to v2, which is published under the 'parcel' package. See for details. npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. added 1405 packages, and audited 1406 packages in 40s 100 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 69 vulnerabilities (47 moderate, 20 high, 2 critical) To address issues that do not require attention, run: npm audit fix To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency. Run `npm audit` for details. > packager@1.0.0 build > parcel build --no-minify ./src/index.html --out-dir ./build/release --cache-dir ./build/cache/release --public-url ./ ⚠️ Could not load source file "index.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/index.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "index.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/index.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "../src/lib/index.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/lit-translate/index.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "adapter.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/adapter.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "component.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/component.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "types.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/types.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/menu-surface/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "../src/lib/util.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/lit-translate/util.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "../src/lib/helpers.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/lit-translate/helpers.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "../src/lib/directive.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/lit-translate/directive.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "../../src/lib/directives/translate-unsafe-html.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/lit-translate/directives/translate-unsafe-html.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "../../src/lib/directives/translate.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/lit-translate/directives/translate.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "component.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/menu-surface/component.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/list/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/list/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/base/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-list/node_modules/@material/base/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "ponyfill.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/dom/ponyfill.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-list/node_modules/@material/list/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/menu-surface/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "component.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/base/component.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "component.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/list/component.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "keyboard.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-list/node_modules/@material/dom/keyboard.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "../src/lib/config.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/lit-translate/config.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-switch/node_modules/@material/switch/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/form-field/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "../src/lib/cleanup.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/lit-translate/cleanup.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/top-app-bar/fixed/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "events.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-dialog/node_modules/@material/dom/events.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "ponyfill.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-dialog/node_modules/@material/dom/ponyfill.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/dialog/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/dialog/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/textfield/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab-bar/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-menu/node_modules/@material/menu/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-menu/node_modules/@material/menu/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/top-app-bar/standard/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "events.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/list/events.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "util.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/animation/util.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "typeahead.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/list/typeahead.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "keyboard.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/menu/node_modules/@material/dom/keyboard.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/form-field/node_modules/@material/base/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-switch/node_modules/@material/switch/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/ripple/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "util.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/ripple/util.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "observer-foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-switch/node_modules/@material/base/observer-foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "events.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/dom/events.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "ponyfill.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/dom/ponyfill.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/top-app-bar/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/form-field/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/base/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/floating-label/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "animationframe.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/dialog/node_modules/@material/animation/animationframe.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/dialog/node_modules/@material/base/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/line-ripple/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab-bar/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-menu/node_modules/@material/base/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/textfield/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-menu/node_modules/@material/list/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-menu/node_modules/@material/menu-surface/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/top-app-bar/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-checkbox/node_modules/@material/ripple/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "ponyfill.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-checkbox/node_modules/@material/dom/ponyfill.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "ponyfill.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-switch/node_modules/@material/dom/ponyfill.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-switch/node_modules/@material/ripple/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-switch/node_modules/@material/base/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "observer.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-switch/node_modules/@material/base/observer.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/floating-label/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/ripple/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "ponyfill.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-icon-button/node_modules/@material/dom/ponyfill.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-icon-button/node_modules/@material/ripple/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab-scroller/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-menu/node_modules/@material/menu-surface/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/notched-outline/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/line-ripple/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "fading-foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab-indicator/fading-foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "sliding-foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab-indicator/sliding-foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-checkbox/node_modules/@material/ripple/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-checkbox/node_modules/@material/base/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-list/node_modules/@material/ripple/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "ponyfill.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-list/node_modules/@material/dom/ponyfill.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "util.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-checkbox/node_modules/@material/ripple/util.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab-scroller/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "rtl-negative-scroller.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab-scroller/rtl-negative-scroller.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "rtl-reverse-scroller.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab-scroller/rtl-reverse-scroller.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "rtl-default-scroller.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab-scroller/rtl-default-scroller.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab-indicator/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load existing sourcemap of "../node_modules/ebnf/dist/index.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-switch/node_modules/@material/ripple/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "util.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-switch/node_modules/@material/ripple/util.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "foundation.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-icon-button/node_modules/@material/base/foundation.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab-indicator/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "rtl-scroller.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/tab-scroller/rtl-scroller.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "util.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-icon-button/node_modules/@material/ripple/util.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-icon-button/node_modules/@material/ripple/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/notched-outline/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "constants.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-list/node_modules/@material/ripple/constants.js". ⚠️ Could not load source file "util.ts" in source map of "../node_modules/@material/mwc-list/node_modules/@material/ripple/util.js". ⚠️ Could not load existing sourcemap of "../node_modules/ebnf/dist/Grammars/index.js". ⚠️ Could not load existing sourcemap of "../node_modules/ebnf/dist/Parser.js". ⚠️ Could not load existing sourcemap of "../node_modules/ebnf/dist/TokenError.js". ⚠️ Could not load existing sourcemap of "../node_modules/ebnf/dist/Grammars/W3CEBNF.js". ⚠️ Could not load existing sourcemap of "../node_modules/ebnf/dist/Grammars/Custom.js". ⚠️ Could not load existing sourcemap of "../node_modules/ebnf/dist/Grammars/BNF.js". ⚠️ Could not load existing sourcemap of "../node_modules/ebnf/dist/SemanticHelpers.js". ✨ Built in 16.12s. build/release/ ⚠️ 6.11 MB 694ms build/release/main.6ecc71fa.js ⚠️ 4.09 MB 14.81s build/release/GIFT_Handbuch.6c81d471.pdf 509.85 KB 251ms build/release/index.html 1.83 KB 568ms