RTNETLINK answers: File exists

synthesis -f "Project_impl1_lattice.synproj"
synthesis:  version Diamond (64-bit)

Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp.   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,  All rights reserved.
Tue Jun 18 13:38:21 2024

Command Line:  synthesis -f Project_impl1_lattice.synproj 

INFO - synthesis: Lattice Synthesis Engine Launched.
Synthesis options:
The -a option is MachXO2.
The -s option is 4.
The -t option is TQFP144.
The -d option is LCMXO2-7000HC.
Using package TQFP144.
Using performance grade 4.


### Lattice Family : MachXO2

### Device  : LCMXO2-7000HC

### Package : TQFP144

### Speed   : 4



INFO - synthesis: User-Selected Strategy Settings
Optimization goal = Balanced
Top-level module name = TOP_LEVEL.
Target frequency = 54.000000 MHz.
Maximum fanout = 1000.
Timing path count = 3
BRAM utilization = 100.000000 %
DSP usage = true
DSP utilization = 100.000000 %
fsm_encoding_style = auto
resolve_mixed_drivers = 0
fix_gated_clocks = 1

Mux style = Auto
Use Carry Chain = true
carry_chain_length = 0
Loop Limit = 1950.
Use IO Insertion = TRUE
Use IO Reg = AUTO

Resource Sharing = TRUE
Propagate Constants = TRUE
Remove Duplicate Registers = TRUE
force_gsr = auto
ROM style = auto
RAM style = auto
The -comp option is FALSE.
The -syn option is FALSE.
-p /usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga/xo2c00/data (searchpath added)
-p /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/build (searchpath added)
-p /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga (searchpath added)
VHDL library = work
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/TOP_LEVEL.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/libraries/GOLDI_COMM_STANDARD.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/libraries/GOLDI_IO_STANDARD.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/libraries/GOLDI_DATA_TYPES.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/GOLDI_MODULE_CONFIG.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/ACTUATOR_MASK.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/ERROR_DETECTOR.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/goldi_spi/GOLDI_SPI_SMODULE.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/goldi_spi/SP_CONVERTER.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/goldi_spi/BUS_ADAPTOR.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/spi/SPI_T_DRIVER.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/REGISTER_TABLE.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/HBRIDGE_SMODULE.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/EMAGNET_SMODULE.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/EMAGNET_SMODULE_2.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/LED_SMODULE.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/GPIO_SMODULE.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_SMODULE.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_DRIVER.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_CONFIG_FIFO.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_SPI.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/Divider1MioByX_v1_00.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/StepperControl_v1_00.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/dsp/ENCODER_SMODULE.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/HIGH_DEBOUNCE.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/SYNCHRONIZER.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/SYNCHRONIZER_ARRAY.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/TRIS_BUFFER.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/TRIS_BUFFER_ARRAY.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/REGISTER_UNIT.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/STREAM_FIFO.vhd
VHDL design file = /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/ROM16XN_FIFO.vhd
NGD file = Project_impl1.ngd
-sdc option: SDC file input not used.
-lpf option: Output file option is ON.

Hardtimer checking is enabled (default). The -dt option is not used.
The -r option is OFF. [ Remove LOC Properties is OFF. ]
Technology check ok...

Analyzing Verilog file /usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga/userware/unix/SYNTHESIS_HEADERS/machxo2.v. VERI-1482
Compile design.
Compile Design Begin
INFO - synthesis: The default VHDL library search path is now "/builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/build". VHDL-1504
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/libraries/GOLDI_COMM_STANDARD.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/libraries/GOLDI_COMM_STANDARD.vhd(39): analyzing package goldi_comm_standard. VHDL-1014
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/libraries/GOLDI_COMM_STANDARD.vhd(255): analyzing package body goldi_comm_standard. VHDL-1013
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/libraries/GOLDI_IO_STANDARD.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/libraries/GOLDI_IO_STANDARD.vhd(32): analyzing package goldi_io_standard. VHDL-1014
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/libraries/GOLDI_DATA_TYPES.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/libraries/GOLDI_DATA_TYPES.vhd(32): analyzing package goldi_data_types. VHDL-1014
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/GOLDI_MODULE_CONFIG.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/GOLDI_MODULE_CONFIG.vhd(38): analyzing package goldi_module_config. VHDL-1014
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/SYNCHRONIZER.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/SYNCHRONIZER.vhd(38): analyzing entity synchronizer. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/SYNCHRONIZER.vhd(54): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/goldi_spi/SP_CONVERTER.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/goldi_spi/SP_CONVERTER.vhd(47): analyzing entity sp_converter. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/goldi_spi/SP_CONVERTER.vhd(71): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/goldi_spi/BUS_ADAPTOR.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/goldi_spi/BUS_ADAPTOR.vhd(75): analyzing entity bus_adaptor. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/goldi_spi/BUS_ADAPTOR.vhd(96): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/goldi_spi/GOLDI_SPI_SMODULE.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/goldi_spi/GOLDI_SPI_SMODULE.vhd(77): analyzing entity goldi_spi_smodule. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/goldi_spi/GOLDI_SPI_SMODULE.vhd(97): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/REGISTER_UNIT.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/REGISTER_UNIT.vhd(63): analyzing entity register_unit. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/REGISTER_UNIT.vhd(87): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/TRIS_BUFFER.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/TRIS_BUFFER.vhd(42): analyzing entity tris_buffer. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/TRIS_BUFFER.vhd(60): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/TRIS_BUFFER_ARRAY.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/TRIS_BUFFER_ARRAY.vhd(42): analyzing entity tris_buffer_array. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/TRIS_BUFFER_ARRAY.vhd(63): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/HIGH_DEBOUNCE.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/HIGH_DEBOUNCE.vhd(42): analyzing entity high_debounce. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/HIGH_DEBOUNCE.vhd(61): analyzing architecture bh. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/REGISTER_TABLE.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/REGISTER_TABLE.vhd(82): analyzing entity register_table. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/REGISTER_TABLE.vhd(107): analyzing architecture bh. VHDL-1010
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/REGISTER_TABLE.vhd(196): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/ERROR_DETECTOR.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/ERROR_DETECTOR.vhd(44): analyzing entity error_detector. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/ERROR_DETECTOR.vhd(65): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/ACTUATOR_MASK.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/ACTUATOR_MASK.vhd(44): analyzing entity actuator_mask. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/ACTUATOR_MASK.vhd(58): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/dsp/ENCODER_SMODULE.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/dsp/ENCODER_SMODULE.vhd(89): analyzing entity encoder_smodule. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/dsp/ENCODER_SMODULE.vhd(113): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/GPIO_SMODULE.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/GPIO_SMODULE.vhd(60): analyzing entity gpio_smodule. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/GPIO_SMODULE.vhd(82): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/ROM16XN_FIFO.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/ROM16XN_FIFO.vhd(56): analyzing entity rom16xn_fifo. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/ROM16XN_FIFO.vhd(78): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/STREAM_FIFO.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/STREAM_FIFO.vhd(51): analyzing entity stream_fifo. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/STREAM_FIFO.vhd(74): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/spi/SPI_T_DRIVER.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/spi/SPI_T_DRIVER.vhd(64): analyzing entity spi_t_driver. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/comms/spi/SPI_T_DRIVER.vhd(95): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/StepperControl_v1_00.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/StepperControl_v1_00.vhd(29): analyzing entity steppercontrol_v1_00. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/StepperControl_v1_00.vhd(45): analyzing architecture behavioral. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_SMODULE.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_SMODULE.vhd(74): analyzing entity tmc2660_smodule. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_SMODULE.vhd(105): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/HBRIDGE_SMODULE.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/HBRIDGE_SMODULE.vhd(71): analyzing entity hbridge_smodule. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/HBRIDGE_SMODULE.vhd(94): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/EMAGNET_SMODULE.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/EMAGNET_SMODULE.vhd(59): analyzing entity emagnet_smodule. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/EMAGNET_SMODULE.vhd(83): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/LED_SMODULE.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/LED_SMODULE.vhd(71): analyzing entity led_smodule. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/LED_SMODULE.vhd(93): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/TOP_LEVEL.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/TOP_LEVEL.vhd(51): analyzing entity top_level. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/TOP_LEVEL.vhd(71): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/EMAGNET_SMODULE_2.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/EMAGNET_SMODULE_2.vhd(60): analyzing entity emagnet_smodule_2. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/EMAGNET_SMODULE_2.vhd(85): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_CONFIG_FIFO.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_CONFIG_FIFO.vhd(44): analyzing entity tmc2660_config_fifo. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_CONFIG_FIFO.vhd(63): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_SPI.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_SPI.vhd(41): analyzing entity tmc2660_spi. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_SPI.vhd(67): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_DRIVER.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_DRIVER.vhd(75): analyzing entity tmc2660_driver. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/TMC2660_DRIVER.vhd(105): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/Divider1MioByX_v1_00.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/Divider1MioByX_v1_00.vhd(30): analyzing entity divider1miobyx_v1_00. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/actuation/TMC2660/Divider1MioByX_v1_00.vhd(41): analyzing architecture behavioral. VHDL-1010
Analyzing VHDL file /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/SYNCHRONIZER_ARRAY.vhd. VHDL-1481
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/SYNCHRONIZER_ARRAY.vhd(38): analyzing entity synchronizer_array. VHDL-1012
INFO - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/io_management/SYNCHRONIZER_ARRAY.vhd(55): analyzing architecture rtl. VHDL-1010
unit TOP_LEVEL is not yet analyzed. VHDL-1485
/builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/TOP_LEVEL.vhd(51): executing TOP_LEVEL(RTL)

WARNING - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/TOP_LEVEL.vhd(65): replacing existing netlist TOP_LEVEL(RTL). VHDL-1205
Top module name (VHDL): TOP_LEVEL
Last elaborated design is TOP_LEVEL(RTL)
Loading NGL library '/usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga/xo2c00a/data/xo2alib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library '/usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga/xo2c00/data/xo2clib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library '/usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga/mg5g00/data/mg5glib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library '/usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga/or5g00/data/orc5glib.ngl'...
Loading device for application map from file 'xo2c7000.nph' in environment: /usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status:                     Final          Version 1.39.
Top-level module name = TOP_LEVEL.
@Inferred core reset on ram net :memory

WARNING - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/dsp/ENCODER_SMODULE.vhd(197): Register \X_ENCODER/enc_block_37 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\X_AXIS_MOTOR/sCurrentState' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 000 -> 000001

 001 -> 000010

 010 -> 000100

 011 -> 001000

 100 -> 010000

 101 -> 100000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\Y_AXIS_MOTOR/sCurrentState' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 000 -> 000001

 001 -> 000010

 010 -> 000100

 011 -> 001000

 100 -> 010000

 101 -> 100000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\CLAW_MAGNET/PS' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 00 -> 0001

 01 -> 0010

 10 -> 0100

 11 -> 1000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\SPI_BUS_COMMUNICATION/BUS_INTERFACE/ps_mbus' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 000 -> 00001

 001 -> 00010

 010 -> 00100

 011 -> 01000

 100 -> 10000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\X_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/ps_fifo' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 00 -> 0001

 01 -> 0010

 10 -> 0100

 11 -> 1000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ps_spi' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 000 -> 00001

 001 -> 00010

 010 -> 00100

 011 -> 01000

 100 -> 10000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/data_bit_counter' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 00000 -> 00000000000000000000000000000001

 00001 -> 00000000000000000000000000000010

 00010 -> 00000000000000000000000000000100

 00011 -> 00000000000000000000000000001000

 00100 -> 00000000000000000000000000010000

 00101 -> 00000000000000000000000000100000

 00110 -> 00000000000000000000000001000000

 00111 -> 00000000000000000000000010000000

 01000 -> 00000000000000000000000100000000

 01001 -> 00000000000000000000001000000000

 01010 -> 00000000000000000000010000000000

 01011 -> 00000000000000000000100000000000

 01100 -> 00000000000000000001000000000000

 01101 -> 00000000000000000010000000000000

 01110 -> 00000000000000000100000000000000

 01111 -> 00000000000000001000000000000000

 10000 -> 00000000000000010000000000000000

 10001 -> 00000000000000100000000000000000

 10010 -> 00000000000001000000000000000000

 10011 -> 00000000000010000000000000000000

 10100 -> 00000000000100000000000000000000

 10101 -> 00000000001000000000000000000000

 10110 -> 00000000010000000000000000000000

 10111 -> 00000000100000000000000000000000

 11000 -> 00000001000000000000000000000000

 11001 -> 00000010000000000000000000000000

 11010 -> 00000100000000000000000000000000

 11011 -> 00001000000000000000000000000000

 11100 -> 00010000000000000000000000000000

 11101 -> 00100000000000000000000000000000

 11110 -> 01000000000000000000000000000000

 11111 -> 10000000000000000000000000000000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/sCurrentState' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 000 -> 00001

 001 -> 00010

 010 -> 00100

 011 -> 01000

 100 -> 10000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/ps_fifo' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 00 -> 0001

 01 -> 0010

 10 -> 0100

 11 -> 1000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ps_spi' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 000 -> 00001

 001 -> 00010

 010 -> 00100

 011 -> 01000

 100 -> 10000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\X_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/data_bit_counter' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 00000 -> 00000000000000000000000000000001

 00001 -> 00000000000000000000000000000010

 00010 -> 00000000000000000000000000000100

 00011 -> 00000000000000000000000000001000

 00100 -> 00000000000000000000000000010000

 00101 -> 00000000000000000000000000100000

 00110 -> 00000000000000000000000001000000

 00111 -> 00000000000000000000000010000000

 01000 -> 00000000000000000000000100000000

 01001 -> 00000000000000000000001000000000

 01010 -> 00000000000000000000010000000000

 01011 -> 00000000000000000000100000000000

 01100 -> 00000000000000000001000000000000

 01101 -> 00000000000000000010000000000000

 01110 -> 00000000000000000100000000000000

 01111 -> 00000000000000001000000000000000

 10000 -> 00000000000000010000000000000000

 10001 -> 00000000000000100000000000000000

 10010 -> 00000000000001000000000000000000

 10011 -> 00000000000010000000000000000000

 10100 -> 00000000000100000000000000000000

 10101 -> 00000000001000000000000000000000

 10110 -> 00000000010000000000000000000000

 10111 -> 00000000100000000000000000000000

 11000 -> 00000001000000000000000000000000

 11001 -> 00000010000000000000000000000000

 11010 -> 00000100000000000000000000000000

 11011 -> 00001000000000000000000000000000

 11100 -> 00010000000000000000000000000000

 11101 -> 00100000000000000000000000000000

 11110 -> 01000000000000000000000000000000

 11111 -> 10000000000000000000000000000000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/sCurrentState' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 000 -> 00001

 001 -> 00010

 010 -> 00100

 011 -> 01000

 100 -> 10000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sCurrentState' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 000 -> 00001

 001 -> 00010

 010 -> 00100

 011 -> 01000

 100 -> 10000

INFO - synthesis: Extracted state machine for register '\Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sCurrentState' with one-hot encoding
original encoding -> new encoding (one-hot encoding)

 000 -> 00001

 001 -> 00010

 010 -> 00100

 011 -> 01000

 100 -> 10000

WARNING - synthesis: Bit 0 of Register \SENSOR_REGISTER/sys_bus_o.dat is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 0 of Register \ERROR_LIST/MEMORY/REGISTERS[1].REG/sys_bus_o.dat is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 1 of Register \ERROR_LIST/MEMORY/REGISTERS[1].REG/sys_bus_o.dat is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 2 of Register \ERROR_LIST/MEMORY/REGISTERS[1].REG/sys_bus_o.dat is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 19 of Register \X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDividend is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 0 of Register \X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDivisor is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 1 of Register \X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDivisor is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 2 of Register \X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDivisor is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 3 of Register \X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDivisor is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 19 of Register \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDividend is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 0 of Register \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDivisor is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 1 of Register \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDivisor is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 2 of Register \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDivisor is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 3 of Register \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDivisor is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 0 of Register \X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/sMovementState is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 0 of Register \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/sMovementState is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 18 of Register \X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDividend is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 18 of Register \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDividend is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 17 of Register \X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDividend is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 17 of Register \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDividend is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 16 of Register \X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDividend is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 16 of Register \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDividend is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 15 of Register \X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDividend is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 15 of Register \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDividend is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 14 of Register \X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDividend is stuck at Zero
WARNING - synthesis: Bit 14 of Register \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/sDividend is stuck at Zero
######## Pruned 1 high address bits on RAM Instance : \X_AXIS_MOTOR/STREAM_FIFO/clk_write_port_12 on net : \X_AXIS_MOTOR/STREAM_FIFO/memory

######## Pruned 1 high address bits on RAM Instance : \X_AXIS_MOTOR/STREAM_FIFO/rd_pointer_2__N_869_2__I_0 on net : \X_AXIS_MOTOR/STREAM_FIFO/memory

######## Pruned 1 high address bits on RAM Instance : \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/STREAM_FIFO/rd_pointer_2__N_869_2__I_0 on net : \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/STREAM_FIFO/memory

######## Pruned 1 high address bits on RAM Instance : \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/STREAM_FIFO/clk_write_port_12 on net : \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/STREAM_FIFO/memory

Core reset RAM implemented for net n6452.
Core reset RAM implemented for net n6453.
######## Found 2 RTL RAMs in the design.
######## Mapping RTL RAM n6452 to 6 Distributed blocks in PSEUDO_DUAL_PORT Mode

######## Mapping RTL RAM n6453 to 6 Distributed blocks in PSEUDO_DUAL_PORT Mode

WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2789 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2780 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2776 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2772 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2768 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2764 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2760 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2756 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2849 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2845 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2841 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2837 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2833 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2829 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Register creset_2825 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[41] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[40] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[39] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[38] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[37] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[36] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[35] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[34] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[33] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[32] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[31] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[30] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[29] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[28] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[27] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[26] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[25] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[24] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[23] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[22] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[21] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[20] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[19] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[18] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[17] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[16] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[15] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[14] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[13] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[12] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[11] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[10] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[9] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[8] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[7] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[6] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[5] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[4] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[3] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[2] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[1] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: Skipping pad insertion on IO_DATA[0] due to black_box_pad_pin attribute.
WARNING - synthesis: /builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/src/common/memory/ROM16XN_FIFO.vhd(273): Register \Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/data_bit_counter_FSM_i24 is stuck at Zero. VDB-5013
Optimized async. reset : rst on data cone feeding flop : 




Optimized async. reset : rst on data cone feeding flop : 




GSR instance connected to net n10089.
Applying 54.000000 MHz constraint to all clocks

WARNING - synthesis: No user .sdc file.
Results of NGD DRC are available in TOP_LEVEL_drc.log.
Loading NGL library '/usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga/xo2c00a/data/xo2alib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library '/usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga/xo2c00/data/xo2clib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library '/usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga/mg5g00/data/mg5glib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library '/usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga/or5g00/data/orc5glib.ngl'...

Running DRC...

WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_13_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_14_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_16_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_17_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_18_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_19_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_20_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_22_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_23_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_25_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_26_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_27_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_28_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_29_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_31_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_32_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_33_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_34_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_35_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_36_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_37_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_38_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_39_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_40_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: logical net 'port_in_async_41_.dat' has no load.
WARNING - synthesis: DRC complete with 25 warnings.

Design Results:
   3498 blocks expanded
completed the first expansion
All blocks are expanded and NGD expansion is successful.
Writing NGD file Project_impl1.ngd.

################### Begin Area Report (TOP_LEVEL)######################
Number of register bits => 1582 of 7209 (21 % )
BB => 42
CCU2D => 275
DPR16X4C => 12
FD1P3AX => 480
FD1P3AY => 16
FD1P3DX => 60
FD1P3IX => 345
FD1P3JX => 21
FD1S3AX => 118
FD1S3AY => 16
FD1S3DX => 104
FD1S3IX => 413
FD1S3JX => 9
GSR => 1
IB => 5
L6MUX21 => 11
LUT4 => 1473
OB => 1
PFUMX => 77
ROM16X1A => 16
################### End Area Report ##################

################### Begin BlackBox Report ######################
TSALL => 1
################### End BlackBox Report ##################

################### Begin Clock Report ######################
Clock Nets
Number of Clocks: 1
  Net : ClockFPGA_c, loads : 1594
Clock Enable Nets
Number of Clock Enables: 213
Top 10 highest fanout Clock Enables:
  Net : X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ps_spi_2_N_997_0, loads : 28
  Net : Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_365, loads : 27
  Net : Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_431, loads : 24
  Net : X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_332, loads : 24
  Net : Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_574, loads : 24
  Net : X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_284, loads : 24
  Net : X_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/ClockFPGA_c_enable_462, loads : 23
  Net : Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/ClockFPGA_c_enable_52, loads : 23
  Net : Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/ClockFPGA_c_enable_387, loads : 20
  Net : X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_489, loads : 20
Highest fanout non-clock nets
Top 10 highest fanout non-clock nets:
  Net : SPI_BUS_COMMUNICATION/BUS_INTERFACE/master_bus_o.we, loads : 110
  Net : Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/p_cword_tdata_23__N_820, loads : 57
  Net : X_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/p_cword_tdata_23__N_820, loads : 56
  Net : SENSOR_REGISTER/n18, loads : 54
  Net : RESET_SYNC/n20836, loads : 52
  Net : X_AXIS_MOTOR/n20129, loads : 47
  Net : RESET_SYNC/ClockFPGA_c_enable_520, loads : 45
  Net : RESET_SYNC/n20046, loads : 44
  Net : Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_540, loads : 40
  Net : X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/ClockFPGA_c_enable_406, loads : 40
################### End Clock Report ##################

Timing Report Summary
Constraint                              |   Constraint|       Actual|Levels
                                        |             |             |
create_clock -period 18.518519 -name    |             |             |
clk0 [get_nets ClockFPGA_c]             |   54.001 MHz|   51.515 MHz|    14 *
                                        |             |             |

1 constraints not met.

Peak Memory Usage: 262.879  MB

Elapsed CPU time for LSE flow : 6.029  secs
Nothing is executed for the "Translate" process

map -a "MachXO2" -p LCMXO2-7000HC -t TQFP144 -s 4 -oc Commercial   "Project_impl1.ngd" -o "Project_impl1_map.ncd" -pr "Project_impl1.prf" -mp "Project_impl1.mrp" -lpf "/builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/build/Project_impl1.lpf" -lpf "/builds/FakIA/fachgebiet-iks/goldi/goldi2/goldi2/hardware/boards/axis_portal_v2/fpga/constraints.lpf"  -c 0           
map:  version Diamond (64-bit)

Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp.   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,  All rights reserved.
   Process the file: Project_impl1.ngd



   Remove unused logic

   Do not produce over sized NCDs.

Part used: LCMXO2-7000HCTQFP144, Performance used: 4.

Loading device for application map from file 'xo2c7000.nph' in environment: /usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status:                     Final          Version 1.39.

Running general design DRC...

Removing unused logic...


Design Summary:
   Number of registers:   1582 out of  7209 (22%)
      PFU registers:         1582 out of  6864 (23%)
      PIO registers:            0 out of   345 (0%)
   Number of SLICEs:      1091 out of  3432 (32%)
      SLICEs as Logic/ROM:   1055 out of  3432 (31%)
      SLICEs as RAM:           36 out of  2574 (1%)
      SLICEs as Carry:        275 out of  3432 (8%)
   Number of LUT4s:        2116 out of  6864 (31%)
      Number used as logic LUTs:        1494
      Number used as distributed RAM:    72
      Number used as ripple logic:      550
      Number used as shift registers:     0
   Number of PIO sites used: 48 + 4(JTAG) out of 115 (45%)
   Number of block RAMs:  0 out of 26 (0%)
   Number of GSRs:        1 out of 1 (100%)
   EFB used :        No
   JTAG used :       No
   Readback used :   No
   Oscillator used : No
   Startup used :    No
   POR :             On
   Bandgap :         On
   Number of Power Controller:  0 out of 1 (0%)
   Number of Dynamic Bank Controller (BCINRD):  0 out of 6 (0%)
   Number of Dynamic Bank Controller (BCLVDSO):  0 out of 1 (0%)
   Number of DCCA:  0 out of 8 (0%)
   Number of DCMA:  0 out of 2 (0%)
   Number of PLLs:  0 out of 2 (0%)
   Number of DQSDLLs:  0 out of 2 (0%)
   Number of CLKDIVC:  0 out of 4 (0%)
   Number of ECLKSYNCA:  0 out of 4 (0%)
   Number of ECLKBRIDGECS:  0 out of 2 (0%)
      1. Total number of LUT4s = (Number of logic LUT4s) + 2*(Number of distributed RAMs) + 2*(Number of ripple logic)
      2. Number of logic LUT4s does not include count of distributed RAM and ripple logic.
   Number of clocks:  1
     Net ClockFPGA_c: 1007 loads, 1007 rising, 0 falling (Driver: PIO ClockFPGA )
   Number of Clock Enables:  213
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_4: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_5: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_6: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_9: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net wr_pointer_2__N_884: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_257: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_40: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_54: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_57: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_58: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_69: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_102: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_108: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_117: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_125: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_342: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_285: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_307: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_94: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_286: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_287: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_288: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_289: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_140: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_290: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_291: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_292: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_293: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_294: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_295: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_296: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_297: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_298: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_299: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_300: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_301: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_302: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_303: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_304: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_305: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_306: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_166: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_168: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_172: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_204: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_205: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_206: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_203: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_202: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_201: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_200: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_199: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_198: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_197: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_196: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_195: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_194: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_193: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_192: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_191: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_190: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_189: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_188: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_187: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_186: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_185: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_184: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_55: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net GPIO_MANAGEMENT/MEMORY/ClockFPGA_c_enable_183: 5 loads, 5 LSLICEs
     Net GPIO_MANAGEMENT/MEMORY/ClockFPGA_c_enable_604: 5 loads, 5 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_96: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net rst: 24 loads, 24 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_509: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_136: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_106: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_110: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_555: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_97: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ENVIRONMENT_GREEN/blink_counter_enb: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_2725: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net ENVIRONMENT_RED/blink_counter_enb: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_2521: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net ERROR_LIST/Z_STEPPER_ON/shift_reg_4__N_290: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net ERROR_LIST/Y_STEPPER_ON/shift_reg_4__N_290: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net ERROR_LIST/X_STEPPER_ON/shift_reg_4__N_290: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net ps_spi_2_N_997_0: 12 loads, 12 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_339: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net CLAW_MAGNET/ClockFPGA_c_enable_505: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_2215: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_266: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/spi_r_tvalid: 12 loads, 12 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/ClockFPGA_c_enable_556: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/ClockFPGA_c_enable_408: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/ClockFPGA_c_enable_387: 11 loads, 11 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_141: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_574: 19 loads, 19 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_540: 10 loads, 10 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_365: 12 loads, 12 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_150: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_149: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_148: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_147: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_142: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_139: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_138: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_137: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_431: 13 loads, 13 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_129: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_143: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_144: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_145: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_146: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_151: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_152: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_153: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_155: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_156: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_157: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_158: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_159: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_161: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_162: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_165: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_439: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_1982: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_1949: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/MEMORY/REGISTERS_3..REG/p_data_out_7__N_1916: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_1710: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_2079: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_1883: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_1850: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_1817: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/ClockFPGA_c_enable_2: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/ClockFPGA_c_enable_52: 12 loads, 12 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_368: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net Y_ENCODER/ClockFPGA_c_enable_590: 9 loads, 9 LSLICEs
     Net X_ENCODER/ClockFPGA_c_enable_255: 9 loads, 9 LSLICEs
     Net SYSTEM_CONFIG_REG/p_data_out_7__N_231: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_1611: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_2623: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net SPI_BUS_COMMUNICATION/ClockFPGA_c_enable_218: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net SPI_BUS_COMMUNICATION/ClockFPGA_c_enable_127: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net SPI_BUS_COMMUNICATION/ClockFPGA_c_enable_229: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net SPI_BUS_COMMUNICATION/ClockFPGA_c_enable_597: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net SPI_BUS_COMMUNICATION/ClockFPGA_c_enable_208: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net ClockFPGA_c_enable_632: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net SPI_BUS_COMMUNICATION/BUS_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_639: 5 loads, 5 LSLICEs
     Net ENVIRONMENT_WHITE/blink_counter_enb: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_2046: 5 loads, 5 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_1545: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_1677: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_2419: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_1644: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net p_data_out_7__N_2317: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net Z_AXIS_MOTOR/ClockFPGA_c_enable_240: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net Z_AXIS_MOTOR/ClockFPGA_c_enable_605: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net POWER_RED/blink_counter_enb: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/spi_r_tvalid: 12 loads, 12 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/ClockFPGA_c_enable_463: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/ClockFPGA_c_enable_309: 2 loads, 2 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/ClockFPGA_c_enable_406: 11 loads, 11 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_284: 19 loads, 19 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_118: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_489: 10 loads, 10 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_504: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_332: 13 loads, 13 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_154: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_518: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_517: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_515: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_514: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_513: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_512: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_511: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_510: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_615: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_617: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_616: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_614: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_613: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_612: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_611: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_519: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_521: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_522: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_575: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_610: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_609: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_608: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/ClockFPGA_c_enable_607: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/MEMORY/p_data_out_7__N_1578: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/ClockFPGA_c_enable_462: 12 loads, 12 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/ClockFPGA_c_enable_92: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net POWER_GREEN/blink_counter_enb: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
   Number of LSRs:  83
     Net n20046: 29 loads, 29 LSLICEs
     Net n20129: 28 loads, 28 LSLICEs
     Net n10908: 7 loads, 7 LSLICEs
     Net n2865: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net n10764: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net master_bus_i.dat_7__N_22: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net GPIO_MANAGEMENT/MEMORY/n10743: 5 loads, 5 LSLICEs
     Net sCounter1us_5__N_1172_adj_2979: 11 loads, 11 LSLICEs
     Net n12159: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
     Net p_tdword_tready_N_1108: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net n3126: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net n12058: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
     Net sCounter1us_5__N_1172: 11 loads, 11 LSLICEs
     Net x_encoder_ref: 27 loads, 27 LSLICEs
     Net y_encoder_ref: 29 loads, 29 LSLICEs
     Net ENVIRONMENT_GREEN/led_counter_21__N_2687: 12 loads, 12 LSLICEs
     Net n20010: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net ENVIRONMENT_RED/led_counter_21__N_2483: 12 loads, 12 LSLICEs
     Net n20012: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net ERROR_LIST/Z_STEPPER_ON/n10779: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
     Net ERROR_LIST/Y_STEPPER_ON/n10776: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
     Net ERROR_LIST/X_STEPPER_ON/n10770: 8 loads, 8 LSLICEs
     Net n20030: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net n20027: 5 loads, 5 LSLICEs
     Net miso_buffer_i_23__N_1084: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLAW_MAGNET/PS_1_N_2120_0: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net CLAW_MAGNET/n10745: 16 loads, 16 LSLICEs
     Net n10755: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/sStopMovement: 5 loads, 5 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/sCurrentState_2_N_1748_1: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/n3739: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n16277: 7 loads, 7 LSLICEs
     Net n16284: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/n6157: 16 loads, 16 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/n20016: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/n10757: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net miso_buffer_i_23__N_1084_adj_2975: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/n5903: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/n3736: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net n20000: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n20001: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/MEMORY/REGISTERS_3..REG/n20002: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n20014: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n19999: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n20004: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n20005: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n10782: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/p_cword_tdata_23__N_819: 18 loads, 18 LSLICEs
     Net Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/p_cword_tdata_23__N_818: 24 loads, 24 LSLICEs
     Net n10748: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n20003: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net SPI_BUS_COMMUNICATION/n20105: 16 loads, 16 LSLICEs
     Net SPI_BUS_COMMUNICATION/n8038: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net n20115: 13 loads, 13 LSLICEs
     Net SPI_BUS_COMMUNICATION/n8041: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net SPI_BUS_COMMUNICATION/p_master_bus_o.adr_9__N_192: 10 loads, 10 LSLICEs
     Net ENVIRONMENT_WHITE/led_counter_21__N_2585: 12 loads, 12 LSLICEs
     Net n10761: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n10741: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n19998: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n20013: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n20009: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n20015: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net Z_AXIS_MOTOR/n3612: 5 loads, 5 LSLICEs
     Net Z_AXIS_MOTOR/n3609: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net n10759: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net n10781: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net POWER_RED/led_counter_21__N_2279: 12 loads, 12 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/sCurrentState_2_N_731_1: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/p_tdword_tready_N_1108: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/sStopMovement: 5 loads, 5 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/n3700: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/n6120: 16 loads, 16 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/n5901: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/n3697: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/n20022: 3 loads, 3 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/SPI_INTERFACE/n10753: 1 loads, 1 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/MEMORY/n20008: 4 loads, 4 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/p_cword_tdata_23__N_819: 18 loads, 18 LSLICEs
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/p_cword_tdata_23__N_818: 24 loads, 24 LSLICEs
     Net POWER_GREEN/led_counter_21__N_2381: 12 loads, 12 LSLICEs
   Number of nets driven by tri-state buffers:  0
   Top 10 highest fanout non-clock nets:
     Net master_bus_o.we: 112 loads
     Net p_cword_tdata_23__N_820_adj_2940: 59 loads
     Net p_cword_tdata_23__N_820: 58 loads
     Net n18: 55 loads
     Net n20836: 53 loads
     Net rd_pointer_2_N_869_2: 48 loads
     Net rd_pointer_2_N_869_2_adj_2947: 48 loads
     Net rst: 46 loads
     Net X_AXIS_MOTOR/p_tdword_tready_N_1108: 36 loads
     Net p_tdword_tready_N_1108: 34 loads

   Number of warnings:  0
   Number of errors:    0

Total CPU Time: 1 secs  
Total REAL Time: 0 secs  
Peak Memory Usage: 201 MB

Dumping design to file Project_impl1_map.ncd.

ncd2vdb "Project_impl1_map.ncd" ".vdbs/Project_impl1_map.vdb"

Loading device for application ncd2vdb from file 'xo2c7000.nph' in environment: /usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.

mpartrce -p "Project_impl1.p2t" -f "Project_impl1.p3t" -tf "Project_impl1.pt" "Project_impl1_map.ncd" "Project_impl1.ncd"

---- MParTrce Tool ----
Removing old design directory at request of -rem command line option to this program.
Running par. Please wait . . .

Lattice Place and Route Report for Design "Project_impl1_map.ncd"
Tue Jun 18 13:38:29 2024

PAR: Place And Route Diamond (64-bit)
Command Line: par -w -l 5 -i 6 -t 1 -c 0 -e 0 -exp parUseNBR=1:parCDP=0:parCDR=0:parPathBased=OFF:parASE=1 Project_impl1_map.ncd Project_impl1.dir/5_1.ncd Project_impl1.prf
Preference file: Project_impl1.prf.
Placement level-cost: 5-1.
Routing Iterations: 6

Loading design for application par from file Project_impl1_map.ncd.
Design name: TOP_LEVEL
NCD version: 3.3
Vendor:      LATTICE
Device:      LCMXO2-7000HC
Package:     TQFP144
Performance: 4
Loading device for application par from file 'xo2c7000.nph' in environment: /usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status:                     Final          Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status:   Final          Version 34.4.
License checked out.

Ignore Preference Error(s):  True
Device utilization summary:

   PIO (prelim)   48+4(JTAG)/336     15% used
                  48+4(JTAG)/115     45% bonded

   SLICE           1091/3432         31% used

   GSR                1/1           100% used

Number of Signals: 3850
Number of Connections: 10187

Pin Constraint Summary:
   48 out of 48 pins locked (100% locked).

The following 1 signal is selected to use the primary clock routing resources:
    ClockFPGA_c (driver: ClockFPGA, clk load #: 1007)

The following 8 signals are selected to use the secondary clock routing resources:
    n20046 (driver: SLICE_962, clk load #: 0, sr load #: 29, ce load #: 0)
    y_encoder_ref (driver: SLICE_1496, clk load #: 0, sr load #: 29, ce load #: 0)
    n20129 (driver: X_AXIS_MOTOR/SLICE_1476, clk load #: 0, sr load #: 28, ce load #: 0)
    x_encoder_ref (driver: SLICE_727, clk load #: 0, sr load #: 27, ce load #: 0)
    rst (driver: SLICE_1325, clk load #: 0, sr load #: 0, ce load #: 24)
    Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/p_cword_tdata_23__N_818 (driver: Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/SLICE_975, clk load #: 0, sr load #: 24, ce load #: 0)
    X_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/p_cword_tdata_23__N_818 (driver: X_AXIS_MOTOR/SLICE_1511, clk load #: 0, sr load #: 24, ce load #: 0)
    Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_574 (driver: Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SLICE_1536, clk load #: 0, sr load #: 0, ce load #: 19)

Signal rst is selected as Global Set/Reset.
Starting Placer Phase 0.
Finished Placer Phase 0.  REAL time: 3 secs 

Starting Placer Phase 1.
Placer score = 679367.
Finished Placer Phase 1.  REAL time: 9 secs 

Starting Placer Phase 2.
Placer score =  667927
Finished Placer Phase 2.  REAL time: 9 secs 

------------------ Clock Report ------------------

Global Clock Resources:
  CLK_PIN    : 1 out of 8 (12%)
  PLL        : 0 out of 2 (0%)
  DCM        : 0 out of 2 (0%)
  DCC        : 0 out of 8 (0%)

Global Clocks:
  PRIMARY "ClockFPGA_c" from comp "ClockFPGA" on CLK_PIN site "128 (PT18A)", clk load = 1007
  SECONDARY "n20046" from F1 on comp "SLICE_962" on site "R21C20B", clk load = 0, ce load = 0, sr load = 29
  SECONDARY "y_encoder_ref" from F0 on comp "SLICE_1496" on site "R21C20C", clk load = 0, ce load = 0, sr load = 29
  SECONDARY "n20129" from F0 on comp "X_AXIS_MOTOR/SLICE_1476" on site "R14C18A", clk load = 0, ce load = 0, sr load = 28
  SECONDARY "x_encoder_ref" from F1 on comp "SLICE_727" on site "R21C20A", clk load = 0, ce load = 0, sr load = 27
  SECONDARY "rst" from Q1 on comp "SLICE_1325" on site "R14C18B", clk load = 0, ce load = 24, sr load = 0
  SECONDARY "Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/p_cword_tdata_23__N_818" from F1 on comp "Y_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/SLICE_975" on site "R14C20B", clk load = 0, ce load = 0, sr load = 24
  SECONDARY "X_AXIS_MOTOR/CONFIGURATION_FIFO/p_cword_tdata_23__N_818" from F1 on comp "X_AXIS_MOTOR/SLICE_1511" on site "R14C20C", clk load = 0, ce load = 0, sr load = 24
  SECONDARY "Y_AXIS_MOTOR/StepperControl/Divider1MioByX_inst/ClockFPGA_c_enable_574" from F0 on comp "Y_AXIS_MOTOR/SLICE_1536" on site "R14C20D", clk load = 0, ce load = 19, sr load = 0

  PRIMARY  : 1 out of 8 (12%)
  SECONDARY: 8 out of 8 (100%)

Edge Clocks:
  No edge clock selected.

--------------- End of Clock Report ---------------

I/O Usage Summary (final):
   48 + 4(JTAG) out of 336 (15.5%) PIO sites used.
   48 + 4(JTAG) out of 115 (45.2%) bonded PIO sites used.
   Number of PIO comps: 48; differential: 0.
   Number of Vref pins used: 0.

I/O Bank Usage Summary:
| I/O Bank | Usage          | Bank Vccio | Bank Vref |
| 0        | 10 / 28 ( 35%) | 3.3V       | -         |
| 1        | 26 / 29 ( 89%) | 3.3V       | -         |
| 2        | 1 / 29 (  3%)  | 3.3V       | -         |
| 3        | 3 / 9 ( 33%)   | 3.3V       | -         |
| 4        | 4 / 10 ( 40%)  | 3.3V       | -         |
| 5        | 4 / 10 ( 40%)  | 3.3V       | -         |

Total placer CPU time: 9 secs 

Dumping design to file Project_impl1.dir/5_1.ncd.

0 connections routed; 10187 unrouted.
Starting router resource preassignment

Completed router resource preassignment. Real time: 12 secs 

Start NBR router at Tue Jun 18 13:38:41 UTC 2024

Info: NBR allows conflicts(one node used by more than one signal)
      in the earlier iterations. In each iteration, it tries to  
      solve the conflicts while keeping the critical connections 
      routed as short as possible. The routing process is said to
      be completed when no conflicts exist and all connections   
      are routed.                                                
Note: NBR uses a different method to calculate timing slacks. The
      worst slack and total negative slack may not be the same as
      that in TRCE report. You should always run TRCE to verify  
      your design.                                               

Start NBR special constraint process at Tue Jun 18 13:38:41 UTC 2024

Start NBR section for initial routing at Tue Jun 18 13:38:41 UTC 2024
Level 1, iteration 1
4(0.00%) conflicts; 7655(75.14%) untouched conns; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.578ns/0.000ns; real time: 12 secs 
Level 2, iteration 1
0(0.00%) conflict; 7656(75.15%) untouched conns; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.426ns/0.000ns; real time: 13 secs 
Level 3, iteration 1
6(0.00%) conflicts; 7402(72.66%) untouched conns; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.454ns/0.000ns; real time: 13 secs 
Level 4, iteration 1
390(0.10%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 14 secs 

Info: Initial congestion level at 75% usage is 0
Info: Initial congestion area  at 75% usage is 19 (1.90%)

Start NBR section for normal routing at Tue Jun 18 13:38:43 UTC 2024
Level 1, iteration 1
0(0.00%) conflict; 532(5.22%) untouched conns; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 14 secs 
Level 2, iteration 1
0(0.00%) conflict; 532(5.22%) untouched conns; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 14 secs 
Level 3, iteration 1
1(0.00%) conflict; 531(5.21%) untouched conns; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 14 secs 
Level 4, iteration 1
249(0.07%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 15 secs 
Level 4, iteration 2
137(0.04%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 15 secs 
Level 4, iteration 3
91(0.02%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 15 secs 
Level 4, iteration 4
46(0.01%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 16 secs 
Level 4, iteration 5
29(0.01%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 16 secs 
Level 4, iteration 6
13(0.00%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 16 secs 
Level 4, iteration 7
8(0.00%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 16 secs 
Level 4, iteration 8
6(0.00%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 16 secs 
Level 4, iteration 9
8(0.00%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 16 secs 
Level 4, iteration 10
4(0.00%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 16 secs 
Level 4, iteration 11
2(0.00%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 16 secs 
Level 4, iteration 12
1(0.00%) conflict; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 16 secs 
Level 4, iteration 13
2(0.00%) conflicts; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 16 secs 
Level 4, iteration 14
0(0.00%) conflict; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 16 secs 

Start NBR section for setup/hold timing optimization with effort level 3 at Tue Jun 18 13:38:45 UTC 2024

Start NBR section for re-routing at Tue Jun 18 13:38:46 UTC 2024
Level 4, iteration 1
0(0.00%) conflict; 0(0.00%) untouched conn; 0 (nbr) score; 
Estimated worst slack/total negative slack<setup>: 1.439ns/0.000ns; real time: 17 secs 

Start NBR section for post-routing at Tue Jun 18 13:38:46 UTC 2024

End NBR router with 0 unrouted connection

NBR Summary
  Number of unrouted connections : 0 (0.00%)
  Number of connections with timing violations : 0 (0.00%)
  Estimated worst slack<setup> : 1.439ns
  Timing score<setup> : 0
Notes: The timing info is calculated for SETUP only and all PAR_ADJs are ignored.

Total CPU time 18 secs 
Total REAL time: 18 secs 
Completely routed.
End of route.  10187 routed (100.00%); 0 unrouted.

Hold time timing score: 0, hold timing errors: 0

Timing score: 0 

Dumping design to file Project_impl1.dir/5_1.ncd.

PAR_SUMMARY::Run status = Completed
PAR_SUMMARY::Number of unrouted conns = 0
PAR_SUMMARY::Worst  slack<setup/<ns>> = 1.439
PAR_SUMMARY::Timing score<setup/<ns>> = 0.000
PAR_SUMMARY::Worst  slack<hold /<ns>> = 0.220
PAR_SUMMARY::Timing score<hold /<ns>> = 0.000
PAR_SUMMARY::Number of errors = 0

Total CPU  time to completion: 18 secs 
Total REAL time to completion: 19 secs 

par done!

Note: user must run 'Trace' for timing closure signoff.

Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp.   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,  All rights reserved.
Exiting par with exit code 0
Exiting mpartrce with exit code 0

trce -f "Project_impl1.pt" -o "Project_impl1.twr" "Project_impl1.ncd" "Project_impl1.prf"
trce:  version Diamond (64-bit)

Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp.   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,  All rights reserved.

Loading design for application trce from file Project_impl1.ncd.
Design name: TOP_LEVEL
NCD version: 3.3
Vendor:      LATTICE
Device:      LCMXO2-7000HC
Package:     TQFP144
Performance: 4
Loading device for application trce from file 'xo2c7000.nph' in environment: /usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status:                     Final          Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status:   Final          Version 34.4.
Setup and Hold Report

Lattice TRACE Report - Setup, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Tue Jun 18 13:38:51 2024

Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp.   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,  All rights reserved.

Report Information
Command line:    trce -v 10 -gt -sethld -sp 4 -sphld m -o Project_impl1.twr Project_impl1.ncd Project_impl1.prf 
Design file:     Project_impl1.ncd
Preference file: Project_impl1.prf
Device,speed:    LCMXO2-7000HC,4
Report level:    verbose report, limited to 10 items per preference


Timing summary (Setup):

Timing errors: 0  Score: 0
Cumulative negative slack: 0

Constraints cover 55991 paths, 1 nets, and 10101 connections (99.16% coverage)

Lattice TRACE Report - Hold, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Tue Jun 18 13:38:51 2024

Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp.   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,  All rights reserved.

Report Information
Command line:    trce -v 10 -gt -sethld -sp 4 -sphld m -o Project_impl1.twr Project_impl1.ncd Project_impl1.prf 
Design file:     Project_impl1.ncd
Preference file: Project_impl1.prf
Device,speed:    LCMXO2-7000HC,m
Report level:    verbose report, limited to 10 items per preference


Timing summary (Hold):

Timing errors: 0  Score: 0
Cumulative negative slack: 0

Constraints cover 55991 paths, 1 nets, and 10101 connections (99.16% coverage)

Timing summary (Setup and Hold):

Timing errors: 0 (setup), 0 (hold)
Score: 0 (setup), 0 (hold)
Cumulative negative slack: 0 (0+0)


Total CPU Time: 0 secs 
Total REAL Time: 0 secs 
Peak Memory Usage: 166 MB

Nothing is executed for the "PAR - PARTrace" process

tmcheck -par "Project_impl1.par" 

bitgen -f "Project_impl1.t2b" -w "Project_impl1.ncd"  "Project_impl1.prf"

BITGEN: Bitstream Generator Diamond (64-bit)
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp.   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,  All rights reserved.

Loading design for application Bitgen from file Project_impl1.ncd.
Design name: TOP_LEVEL
NCD version: 3.3
Vendor:      LATTICE
Device:      LCMXO2-7000HC
Package:     TQFP144
Performance: 4
Loading device for application Bitgen from file 'xo2c7000.nph' in environment: /usr/local/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status:                     Final          Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status:   Final          Version 34.4.

Running DRC.
DRC detected 0 errors and 0 warnings.
Reading Preference File from Project_impl1.prf.

Preference Summary:
|  Preference                     |  Current Setting                |
|                         RamCfg  |                        Reset**  |
|                     MCCLK_FREQ  |                         2.08**  |
|                  CONFIG_SECURE  |                          OFF**  |
|                          INBUF  |                           ON**  |
|                      JTAG_PORT  |                       ENABLE**  |
|                       SDM_PORT  |                      DISABLE**  |
|                 SLAVE_SPI_PORT  |                      DISABLE**  |
|                MASTER_SPI_PORT  |                      DISABLE**  |
|                       I2C_PORT  |                      DISABLE**  |
|        MUX_CONFIGURATION_PORTS  |                      DISABLE**  |
|                  CONFIGURATION  |                          CFG**  |
|                COMPRESS_CONFIG  |                           ON**  |
|                        MY_ASSP  |                          OFF**  |
|               ONE_TIME_PROGRAM  |                          OFF**  |
|                 ENABLE_TRANSFR  |                      DISABLE**  |
|                  SHAREDEBRINIT  |                      DISABLE**  |
|            BACKGROUND_RECONFIG  |                          OFF**  |
 *  Default setting.
 ** The specified setting matches the default setting.

Creating bit map...
Bitstream Status: Final           Version 1.95.
Saving bit stream in "Project_impl1.bit".
Total CPU Time: 3 secs 
Total REAL Time: 3 secs 
Peak Memory Usage: 433 MB
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
Lattice Diamond Deployment Tool 3.12 Command Line

Loading Programmer Device Database...

Generating SVF.....
Reading Input File: build/Project_impl1.bit
Output File: dist/bitstream.svf
Generate Single SVF file: Start

Device 1 LCMXO2-7000HC:SRAM Erase,Program,Verify

Build SVF File Operation: Successful.

Lattice Diamond Deployment Tool has exited successfully.